
  1. 本系统在软件结构上分为红方、蓝方和导演部三个子系统。

    The system is divided into three subsystems : red part , blue part and directing part .

  2. 红、蓝对抗双方以及导演部的裁判都在系统的整个回路中,能时时和系统进行交互。

    Red and blue counterparts and the judge of directing part are all involved in the whole loop .

  3. 近三十年后,当汉考克终于开始导演这部故事发生在遥远的黑暗时代的电影时,它已然成了历史片。那时候,不是每个警察都有手机,也没有DNA追踪技术。

    Almost three decades later , Hancock has finally directed what is now a period drama set in the dark distant days when the police didn 't all have cell phones and DNA1-tracing technology .

  4. 这是魏楠第一次导演一部故事片。

    It is the first time Wei Nan has directed a feature film .

  5. 他独自导演那部影片。

    He directs the film on his own .

  6. 谁导演那部新的意大利电影?

    Who directed that new Italian film ?

  7. 等等,我们希望你导演一部可以激励终极圣战的电影

    Wait , no. We want you to direct a movie to inspire the final jihad .

  8. 墨菲将导演这部根据拉里克莱默80年代舞台剧改编的电影,并兼任制片人一职。

    Murphy will direct and executive produce the movie based on Larry Kramer 's ' 80s play .

  9. 卓别林导演这部电影。

    Chaplin directed the film .

  10. 这位经验丰富的演员说过他已经准备好首次导演一部电影。

    The veteran actor has said he is ready to direct a film for the first time .

  11. 你也许可能导演这部电影,霍华德,但是你所要求的,我们没法做。

    You may be directing this movie , howard , but what you are asking , we can 't do it .

  12. 帕丁顿熊的电影制作人保罗·金将导演这部即将上映的电影,这是迪士尼宣布的真人版翻拍电影的一部分。

    Paddington filmmaker Paul King is to direct the forthcoming film , which is part of a series of live-action remakes announced by Disney .

  13. 他说经过多年的电影拍摄经验,是时候让他来导演一部电影了。

    He said he thought the time has come for him to direct , after his experience from many years in the film business .

  14. 《好莱坞报道》已经证实,电影制作人蒂姆·斯托瑞正在与华纳兄弟公司洽谈为他们导演一部真人版的《猫和老鼠》。

    Filmmaker Tim Story is in talks to direct a live-action hybrid Tom and Jerry movie for Warner Bros , The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed ..

  15. 我很满意并且很感谢能有这个机会去导演一部电影,但是以后我想我会继续我的表演生涯。

    I 'm satisfied and grateful for having the opportunity to have directed the film , but in the future I think I will stick to my acting career .

  16. 起初,他想导演一部关于武士生活的电影,但是之后他发现了关于武士护卫村民的故事。

    He had originally wanted to direct a film abouta single day in the life of a samurai but later discovered in his research a story about samurai defendingfarmers .

  17. 现在我面临许多不同的选择,最近我也有可能导演一部动作片,也许是融入搞笑功夫元素的戏,为什么不呢(陈凯歌说到此处笑了起来)?

    So I 'm facing a lot of different choices and I may do an action film as well in the near future , maybe something with funny kung fu why not [ laughing ] ?

  18. Old《老去》M·奈特·沙马兰(曾执导《第六感》)导演的这部情节曲折的最新恐怖片绝不是一部让人放松的夏日电影,恰恰相反。

    The latest twisty chiller from M Night Shyalaman ( The Sixth Sense ) could be the exact opposite of a relaxing summer movie .

  19. FranckHameniBieleu导演了这部纪录片。

    Franck Hameni Bieleu directed the film .

  20. 上周末,陈可辛的电影公司“我们制作”(WePictures)宣布,他将导演又一部中国内地主题的新电影:网球明星李娜,她是迄今唯一的一位来自亚洲的大满贯单打冠军。

    Last weekend , Mr. Chan 's We Pictures company announced that he would be directing a new film about another mainland Chinese subject : the tennis star Li Na , the only Grand Slam singles champion ever to come from Asia .

  21. 是枝裕和(HirokazuKoreeda)导演的这部伤感片是这样开头的:一位父亲发现,自己的儿子出生时在医院里不小心被与别的孩子掉了包,过去六年里他一直抚养的其实是别人的孩子。

    Hirokazu Koreeda 's heartbreaker begins when a father learns that his son was accidentally switched with another baby at the hospital where they were both born , and that he has been raising another man 's child for the past six years .

  22. 也就是说这是这个导演的第一部电影作品。

    So it 's the first movie that 's the director directed .

  23. 这是黑泽明导演的第一部武士电影。

    The film was the first samurai movie that Kurosawa ever directed .

  24. 她已导演了几部影片。

    She has made ie directed several films .

  25. 尼古拉斯·罗伊格导演的这部电影如今已成为了科幻流派的经典作品。

    Director Nicolas Roeg 's film is today considered a visionary classic of the sci-fi genre .

  26. 福斯导演了五部故事片。

    Fosse directed five feature films .

  27. 这个通常羞于众目睽睽的导演为了这部影片的发行将作几次公开露面。

    The normally publicity-shy director will be making several public appearances for the launch of the movie .

  28. 在莱利·斯特恩斯编剧兼导演的这部以空手道为主题的黑色喜剧中,《功夫梦》遭遇了《搏击俱乐部》。

    Karate Kid meets Fight Club in this black-belt black comedy written and directed by Riley Stearns .

  29. 1930年,导演中国第一部有声片《歌女红牡丹》。

    In 1930 the first Chinese sound film Singing Girl Red Peony was successfully made by him .

  30. 然而,高希希导演的这部电视剧则讲述了一个新版的三国故事。

    However , the new TV drama directed by Gao Xixi is putting a new spin on the story .