
  • 网络conductive yarn
  1. 有机导电短纤维混纺纱的导电和抗静电性能

    Conductive and antistatic property of yarns blended with organic conductive staple fibers

  2. 静电纺丝&从无规纳米纤维膜到取向连续长纱有机导电短纤维混纺纱的导电和抗静电性能

    Electrospinning : From Randomly Oriented Nanofiber Mats to Aligned Continuous Yarns Conductive and antistatic property of yarns blended with organic conductive staple fibers

  3. 结果表明采用经2%铜盐溶液处理后的腈纶导电纤维抗静电纱所织制的抗静电织物具有良好的抗静电性能,可达到抗静电的目的。

    The test shows that anti static fabric has better anti static property which is weaving with acrylic electroconductive fibers treated by 2 % copper solution , and it can realize anti static property .