首页 / 词典 / good

  • guide;conduct;lead;transmit
  • 指引,带领:领~。引~。向~(引路的人)。倡~。推~。~引。~游。~向。~师。~言。

  • 传引,传向:传~。~热。~致(引起)。

  • 启发:开~。教~。因势利~。


(引导) lead; guide:

  • 导淮入海

    channel the Huaihe River into the sea


(传导) transmit; conduct:

  • 导电

    transmit electric current; conduct electricity


(开导) instruct; teach; give guidance to:

  • 教导

    teach; instruct

  1. 目的识别和分析12导同步心电的异常心律及P、QRS、T波起点和终点。

    Objective To recognize the arrhythmias , onsets and ends of P , QRS and T in simultaneous 12 Lead ECG .

  2. FRAM存储器及其在新型12导心电图机中的应用

    FRAM and its application to novel 12 - lead ECG

  3. 这个程序可保证导液管的正确置入。

    This procedure ensures correct placement of the catheter .

  4. 他是率先创导这一方法的人。

    He acted as pioneer in proposing the method .

  5. 膀胱炎和尿道炎是长期应用留置导尿管的并发症。

    Cystitis and urethritis are complications of prolonged use of indwelling catheters .

  6. 疫苗也引起细胞介导免疫。

    Vaccines also induce cellmediated immunity .

  7. 非平行的边界的应力分量的三个值可以从板的平衡考虑来导得。

    Three values of nonparallel boundary stress components can be derived from considerations of equilibrium of the plate .

  8. 在数量上既不导水也不存水的岩体格架称为隔水层。

    A mass of rock matrix which neither transmits nor stores water in significant quantities is called an " aquifuge " .

  9. 在所有系统中,当没有任何制导信号时,导引头必须在空间保持稳定。

    In all systems the homing head has to remain stabilized in space during a period when there is no guidance signal .

  10. 但是在他的一生中,卡菜姆一直相信他能够不只短暂地主导厨房。

    But in his lifetime , Car ê me , ever confident , could see beyond his short domination in the kitchen .

  11. 通过流程图和思维导图来做笔记,而不是仅仅抄写一个列表。

    Take notes by drawing charts and connecting ideas instead of just copying down a list .

  12. 在实验室测试中,研究人员为参与者播放了泰勒·斯威夫特的《摆脱》、卡莉·雷·杰普森的《打电话给我》和Journey乐队的《不要放弃信念》,并使用多导睡眠图来评测他们接下来的睡眠质量。

    For the lab test , individuals were played instrumental or standard versions of Shake It Off by Taylor Swift , Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen , and Don 't Stop Believin ' by Journey . Polysomnography tests were used to measure subsequent sleep quality .

  13. 生命最终的解脱是导归净土生极乐

    The extrication way of life is to ask to the paradise .

  14. 学习导图技术提出了八种类型的学习导图,并分别给出图形范例加以说明

    LMT provides 8 types of Learning-Map and the paradigms of each type .

  15. 因此我们研究了高凝在原位动脉粥样硬化形成中是否介导了有益的作用。

    We therefore investigated whether hypercoagulability mediates a beneficial effect during denovo atherogenesis .

  16. 在威势凛凛的仪仗导从下,吴王登上一座山峰。

    Led by the stately honor guards , King Wu climbed up a mountain peak .

  17. 个患有睡眠紊乱的病人进行多导睡眠描记法对其健康状况进行调查。

    The health status of 435 consecutive patients with sleep disturbances necessitating polysomnography was investigated . 435

  18. 细胞色素c介导的半胱天冬氨酸蛋白酶-3活性改变与人卵巢癌顺铂耐药的关系

    Relationship between cytochrome c-mediated caspase-3 activity and chemoresistance in cisplatin-resistant human ovarian cancer cell lines

  19. H∞滤波及其在惯导地面自对准中的应用

    H ∞ Filtering and Its Application in INS Ground Alignment

  20. 逆转录病毒介导DNA修复蛋白在人骨髓细胞中的表达和抗性研究

    Expression and drug resistance of human MGMT gene in hemopoietic cells mediated by bicistronic retroviral vector

  21. SA脂质体介导DNA转染昆虫细胞的研究

    DNA Transfection of Insect Cells Efficiently Mediated by Stearylamine Liposome

  22. 短发夹RNA介导RNA干扰的时间和剂量效应研究

    Time and Dose Effect of RNA Interference Mediated by Short Hairpin RNA

  23. 高功率CO2激光导光系统及其应用

    Light-guided system for high-power CO_2 laser

  24. OFDM中基于导频的自适应符号同步算法

    An Adaptive OFDM Symbol Synchronization Algorithm Based on Pilot Symbol

  25. 逆转录病毒载体介导双靶区乙型肝炎病毒反义RNA模型的构建

    Construction of recombinant retrovirus vector carrying dual target antisense RNA of hepatitis B virus

  26. 利用RNA介导的抗病性获得高度抗马铃薯Y病毒的转基因烟草

    RNA-mediated viral resistance against Potato virus Y ( pvy ) in transgenic tobacco plants

  27. 无义介导的mRNA降解与肿瘤

    Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and tumor

  28. 高分辨力雷达导引头可编程FFT处理器设计

    A Programmable FFT Processor Design of High-Resolution Guide Radar

  29. 不同Toll样受体介导的树突状细胞因子表达

    Gene expression and cytokine secretion of dendritic cells exposed to different Toll-like receptor ligands

  30. 用氩激光测量高激发下CdS单晶的光电导

    Measurment of the conductivity of CDs crystal under intensive excitation using AR laser