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  • Ten-day;a period of ten days;a period of ten years in a person's age
  • 十日为一旬(一个月分三旬):上~。中~。下~。~刊。

  • 十岁为一旬:年过六~。八~老者。


(十天) a period of ten days:

  • 按旬计算

    calculate in ten-day periods;

  • 兼旬

    twenty days;

  • 上[中; 下]旬

    the first [second; last] ten days


(十岁) a period of ten years in a person's age (applied only to old persons):

  • 八旬老母

    80-year-old mother;

  • 年过六旬

    over sixty (years old)


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 旬和

    Xun He

  1. 对于使用实时交易汇率确有困难的,可以按照一日一价进行统计,不得按旬或按月取统一折算价。

    If it is really difficult to adopt the real time exchange rate , they may adopt a same exchange rate for transactions occurred in a same day instead of a period of ten days or a month .

  2. 他虽年届九旬,但头脑仍然清晰。

    Although he 's ninety , his mental faculties remain unimpaired .

  3. 虽已年届九旬,她依然头脑敏锐,个性很强。

    Into her nineties , her thinking remained acute and her character forceful

  4. 他年近九旬,已成为该国最受尊崇的政界元老。

    He was in his late eighties and had become the country 's most respected elder statesman .

  5. 陆潜。大多数人对蹦极都很熟悉,但你知道蹦极始于瓦努阿图的五旬节岛,至今已有近十五个世纪的历史吗?

    Land Diving Most people are familiar with bungee jumping , but do you know bungee jumping started on Pentecost Island in Vanuatu and is almost fifteen centuries old ?

  6. 炎暑惟兹夏,三旬将欲移。

    This sweltering heat will take its leave of us , the summer months will not want to stay .

  7. 基于BP神经网络的旬降雨径流相关预报模型

    Ten-day Correlation Forecast Model of Rainfall and Runoff Based on BP Neural Network

  8. 基于DEM聚焦分析的旬平均气温与地面高程的相关性定量研究

    Research on Quantitative Relativity between Average 10-Day Air Temperature and Ground Elevation Based on Focal Analysis of DEM

  9. 好时和费列罗拥有强大而保守的控股股东分别是HersheySchoolTrust和费列罗家族年逾八旬的老族长。

    Hershey and Ferrero have powerful , conservative controlling shareholders the Hershey School Trust and the octogenarian patriarch of the Ferrero family respectively .

  10. 中国东部植被NDVI对气温和降水的旬响应特征

    Ten-day Response of vegetation NDVI to the Variations of Temperature and Precipitation in Eastern China

  11. GMS卫星资料估算地表旬太阳辐射

    Estimation of Dekad Solar Radiation with GMS-5 Data

  12. 采用EOF方法,将我国近44年的旬降水量进行分解。

    The Empirical Orthogonal Function ( EOF ) is employed to analyze dekad rainfall in China in recent 44 years .

  13. 20世纪80年代后期,戈尔曼博士采访了年已八旬的埃里克松及其妻子琼(Joan)。

    Dr. Goleman interviewed Erikson , along with his wife , Joan , in the late 1980s , when both were in their 80s .

  14. GFS可利用性研究及其在旬径流预报中的应用

    Usability Analysis of Global Forecasting System ( GFS ) and Its Application in Ten-day Runoff Forecasts

  15. 首次实现了将AB报旬资料自动添加到历史逐旬资料库中的功能,并可进行实时特定的统计分析;

    The functions appended a period of ten days data of AB message to the historical database and made a real-time and specific statistic were realized at the first time .

  16. 20日龄仔猪存活率以出生后次旬环境温度在20℃以上或THI值大于65时为高,而3545日龄时的环境温湿度对2060日龄仔猪存活率影响不明显。

    The environmental temperature and humidity during the later period of sucking did not significantly effect the survival rate piglets .

  17. 汛期分别选择对各旬径流最有影响的预报因子作为旬径流预报的变预报因子,结合多元线性回归方法和BP神经网络方法构建了桓仁水库汛期旬径流预报模型。

    The most influential predictors for each ten-day in flood season are respectively selected as the variable predictors , combined with the multiple linear regression method and BP neural network method , the ten-day runoff forecasting models are constructed .

  18. 同时,采用逐步回归方法筛选建立冬小麦关键生育期旬NDVI与冬小麦产量间关系的估产模型。

    By using stepwise regression method , the linear regression model between NDVI and winter wheat yield was established , with the precision validated by the ground survey data .

  19. 0mm/旬处理干枯叶片和叶鞘的全N、全P、全K残留量最高,60mm/旬处理的最低,40mm/旬、20mm/旬处理的较低;

    And 0 mm treatment had the highest rudimental N , P , K content of withered leaf and sheath , 60 mm treatment 's was the lowest , 40 mm / ten days treatment 's and 20 mm / ten days treatment 's was low .

  20. 对多元线性回归方法和BP神经网络方法两种方法进行比较,分析率定期和检验期的预报结果,得出基于变预报因子的多元线性回归方法是更适合该流域的旬径流预报方法。

    Contrast of the two forecasting methods , the paper obtained the conclusion that the multiple linear regression method based on variable predictors is a more suitable method for ten-day runoff forecasting of this basin on the analysis of the forecasting results by the two methods .

  21. 正常水分为50%-60%田间持水量(0f)处理下长穗柽柳的旬耗水量与各旬水面蒸发的相关系数为0.88。

    The correlation coefficient was 0.88 between water consumption and water evaporation of every period of ten days in field water-holding capacity (θ f ) of 50 % - 60 % .

  22. 在第二部分中。笔者详细分析了人物介绍篇章中话题与语句的成分、特殊的旬式和语句的VP之间的关系。

    In the second part , the author analyzes the relationship between Topic and the component parts of sentence , Topic and special sentence style , Topic and the VP of sentence in personage introduction texts carefully .

  23. 利用1991&2000年连续10a逐旬的NOAA时间序列数据,采用最大NDVI值法,分析我国北方农牧交错带植被覆盖的动态变化。

    The authors analyze the dynamic change of vegetation cover of the farming-pastoral zone in north China with annual maximum NDVI and NOAA temporal series data during the period 1991 & 2000 ( 354 ten-days ) .

  24. 20世纪80年代后期,戈尔曼博士采访了年已八旬的埃里克松及其妻子琼(Joan)。最初,埃里克松的人生社会心理发展理论包括从幼年直至老年的八个阶段。

    Dr. Goleman interviewed Erikson , along with his wife , Joan , in the late 1980s , when both were in their 80s . Erikson 's theory of human development had initially included eight stages , from infancy to old age .

  25. 估算结果与日射站实测结果比较,旬辐射估计量的均方误差为77MJ·m-2,平均相对误差为34%。

    Through the comparison of dekad solar radiation estimating result with actual observation data , the mean square error is 7 7MJ · m - 2 , the mean relative error is 3 4 % .

  26. 该模型参照流域降雨径流相关的规律,以实际的旬初土壤蓄水、GFS预报降雨量为输入条件,以实际的旬入库径流量为输出条件,进行旬径流定量预报和分级预报。

    This model , which considers the relationship between rainfall and runoff , forecast 10-day runoff and its grade with soil water storage and GFS rainfall as input condition and actual 10-day inflow as output condition .

  27. 五旬以上老人组织撒加(saga)的前总主管奥尔特曼最近称,购买退休金的储户将面临前所未有的“巨大风险”,可能永远也不会有任何收益。

    Altmann , a former director-general of over-50s group Saga , recently said pensioners could be taking on " the biggest gamble " of their lives when they buy an annuity , and many may never live to see any return on their money .

  28. 利用全国多年平均旬降水资料,通过旋转EOF分解,将全国各地旬降水的年变化特征划分为6大类别,在地理分布上归属为8个区域。

    Using Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function ( REOF ) to analyze the annual variations of China dekad precipitation based on dekad precipitation data averaged over 1955-1998 , the annual variations of the precipitation are divided into 6 categories which cover 8 regions geographically .

  29. 利用ECMWF高度场资料,详细分析了1985年(旱年)和1991年(涝年)5月主要季风环流系统的旬平均和旬距平特征。

    In the context of ECMWF height data , investigation is conducted of the decadal mean and anomaly characteristics of major summer monsoon systems in May , 1985 ( of drought ) and 1991 ( severe flood ) .

  30. 黄土高原半干旱雨养农业区夏秋季大气透明度较高,晴天地面的总辐射值最大瞬时值均超过1000W/m~2,6~8月总辐射旬平均强度为338.90W/m~2;

    The maximum of instantaneous global radiation is beyond 1000W / m2 and the ten-days average intensity is 338.90W/m2 because of high atmospheric transparency over semi-arid rainfed agriculture region of loess plateau between June and August .
