首页 / 词典 / good

  • a government office;office
  • make arrangements for;arrange;handle by proxy;act as deputy
  • 办理公务的机关:专~。公~。官~。

  • 布置:部~。

  • 签名,题字:签~。~名。~字。

  • 暂代:~理。兼~。


(办公的处所) a government office; office:

  • 专员公署

    prefectural commissioner's office;

  • 行署

    administrative office (within a province)


(布置) make arrangements for; arrange:

  • 部署春耕生产

    make arrangements for the spring ploughing


(署理) handle by proxy; act as deputy:

  • 署理部务

    handle the ministry's affairs during the minister's absence


(签; 题) sign; put one's signature to:

  • 签署协定

    sign an agreement

  1. 公平贸易署一直在对银行业务进行调查。

    The Office of Fair Trading has been probing banking practices

  2. 根据加州交通安全署(CaliforniaOfficeofTrafficSafety)的数据,2006年整个洛杉矶郡有28人在骑车时不幸身亡。

    In2006,28 people in Los Angeles County were killed on bikes , according to the California Office of Traffic Safety .

  3. 国内收入署试图驳回这些缴纳款。

    The Internal Revenue Service sought to disallow the payments

  4. 他最近辞去了国民保健署人事主管一职。

    He recently vacated his post as NHS Personnel Director

  5. 联合国难民署的一位发言人说他对这一决定既震惊又失望。

    A spokesman for UNHCR said he was surprised and disappointed by the decision .

  6. 那由联合国高级难民署的地方分部负责。

    That responsibility falls on the local office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

  7. 美国禁毒署称被捕的4个人都是分量十足的大鱼。

    The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency .

  8. 与120万英镑的总债务相比,他们所欠国内税收署的那点钱实在不算什么。

    What they owe to the Inland Revenue is small fry compared to the overall £ 1.2 million debt

  9. 你每向养老金计划中投入100英镑,国内税收署就会将其补加至125英镑。

    For every £ 100 you invest into a pension plan the Inland Revenue makes it up to £ 125 .

  10. 全组同志都在信上署了名。

    The letter was jointly signed by all the comrades of the group .

  11. 很难用可靠的统计证据来确定他们是否接触了特定的化学物质,但是环保署要求提供这些数据。

    It 's tough to pin them on exposure to specific chemicals with solid statistical evidence , which is what the EPA requires .

  12. 美国环境保护署(U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)指出,大多数废物都是危险的,因为"产品的生产、分销和使用——以及由此产生的废物的管理——都会导致温室气体的排放。"

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes that most waste is dangerous in that " the production , distribution , and use of products — as well as management of the resulting waste — all result in greenhouse gas release . "

  13. 她的著作都署上真名

    She affixes her real name to her writings .

  14. 此外,来自美国能源情报署(USEnergyInformationAdministration)的预测暗示,美国原油日产量也将在今后几年接近美国1970年的峰值。

    Forecasts from the US Energy Information Administration suggest that crude production will also come close to its 1970 peak in the next few years .

  15. 美国能源情报署(USEnergyInformationAdministration)发布的初步数据显示,去年12月,美国石油净进口量跌至每天598万桶,是1992年2月以来的最低水平。

    US net oil imports dropped to 5.98m barrels a day in December , the lowest since February 1992 , according to provisional figures from the US Energy Information Administration .

  16. 如果可能的话,最好在服务层内部署XU。

    When possible , it 's better to deploy the XU within the service layer .

  17. 作为这项努力的一部分,美国环境保护署(EnvironmentalProtectionAgency)即将实施已提出的一项对火力发电厂的排放规定。

    For its part , the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) is in the process of enacting a proposed rule to enforce emissions regulations on coal-fired plants .

  18. JeffHill指导美国国际开发署粮食援助机构的政策。

    Jeff Hill directs policy for the Bureau of Food Aid at the United States Agency for International Development .

  19. 挪威在最近的一部电视纪录片中追踪了这笔资金转移这项操作当时曾引起尤努斯与挪威发展合作署(norwegianagencyfordevelopment)之间发生摩擦。

    The fund transfer which caused friction between Mr Yunus and the Norwegian Agency for development at the time was examined in a recent Norwegian television documentary .

  20. 浅谈PBL教学模式与卫生化学实验教学改革遗传学化验所〔卫生署〕

    Reform in sanitary chemistry practical education by applying problem-based learning mode Cytogenetic Laboratory [ Department of Health ]

  21. 根据美国环境保护署(EPA)的研究显示,居家和办公楼的室内空气比高工业化城市的空气遭受更严重的污染。

    According to the EPA ' study , indoor air quality is more poor than outside air quality in industrial city .

  22. 在卡特丽娜飓风灾难之后,被任命为路易斯安那州重建署(LouisianaRecoveryAuthority)副署长,并在多个政策制定委员会和理事会担任职位。

    In the wake of Hurricane Katrina , he was appointed vice-chairman of the Louisiana recovery authority , and he serves on a number of policy-making boards and councils .

  23. 美环境保护署(environmentalprotectionagency,epa)周四称,它正准备对杜邦公司(dupont)开出有史以来的数亿美元的最高罚款。

    The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday that it is preparing to levy what could be its largest fine ever - potentially hundreds of millions of dollars - against the DuPont company .

  24. 但国际能源署(IEA)预测,对欧佩克原油的需求未来5年间将显著下跌。

    But the International Energy Agency forecasts demand for Opec crude oil to fall sharply over the next five years .

  25. 方法根据抗菌药物对胎儿影响程度不同,参照美国食品和药物管理署(FDA)的等级标准进行分类。

    Method Under the different effects of antimicrobial on fetas , make classification according to the grade standard of American Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) .

  26. 爱德华兹是联合国难民署(UNHCR)的发言人:

    Adrian Edwards is the spokesman for the UNHCR , the United Nations " Refugee Agency .

  27. 提示:考虑一下,虽然Java客户机没有被RCP插件引用,但是在插件内部署Java客户机将允许通过Eclipse更新程序框架更新代码。

    Tip : Consider that while the Java client isn 't referenced by an RCP plug-in , deploying it within a plug-in allows the code to be updated through the Eclipse updater framework .

  28. 当前爆发的猪流感疫情也是对世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍(MargaretChan)个人的考验。之前陈冯富珍曾担任香港卫生署署长。

    The current flu outbreak is a personal test for Margaret Chan , the director general of the WHO who previously ran Hong Kong 's department of health .

  29. 2009年12月4日,联合国艾滋病规划署在上海发布的《2009年全球艾滋病流行状况更新报告》显示,2009年全球艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染人数约为3340万,死亡200万人。

    December 4,2009 , UNAIDS released " 2009 Update on the Global AIDS Epidemic " in Shanghai , shows that in 2009 the global AIDS virus ( HIV ) infection of about 33.4 million , killed 200 people .

  30. 国际能源署(iea)督促石油输出国组织欧佩克(opec)提高产量,称“对于额外供应存在明显而紧迫的需求”。

    The International Energy Agency urged the OPEC oil cartel to step up output , saying there was a " clear , urgent need for additional supplies " .