
  1. 我们已经做好了各项储备,应急管理署正与各州及地方政府紧密合作。

    We have prepositioned assets so that FEMA personnel are working closely with state and local governments .

  2. 该署正发展一个将设于赤角新机场的空运货物清关系统。

    A system for air cargo clearance at the new airport at Chek Lap Kok is under development .

  3. 世界粮食计划署正进行紧急会谈,以便决定如果短期内没有新的捐助,应暂停哪种救助。

    The world food programme is holding crisis talks to decide what aid to halt if new donations do not arrive in the short term .

  4. 发言人丹尼尔·麦克伊萨克称尽管战火蔓延至至少七个州,但联合国难民署正试图接触那些有需要的人。

    U.N. refugee agency spokesman Daniel MacIsaac said the UNHCR is trying to maintain access to those in need despite fighting across at least seven states .

  5. 卫生署正是为了实现照顾长者的政策目标而设立这项崭新的「长者健康服务」。

    The new Elderly Health Services are hence launched by the Department of Health with the aim of fulfilling our policy objective of caring for the elderly .

  6. 「为了减少废物及落实「污染者自付」的原则,环境保护署正积极研究就不同产品引入「生产者责任计划」。

    To reduce waste and implement the " Polluter Pays " principle , the Environmental Protection Department is considering the introduction of producer-responsibility schemes for various products .

  7. 联合国世界粮食计划署正准备对350万经受“严重营养不良”的朝鲜人发放紧急救援。

    The UN 's World Food Programme ( WFP ) is now preparing to distribute emergency aid to 3.5m North Koreans suffering from " severe malnutrition . "

  8. 生防护中心及食物环境生署正组成队伍,视察发现病人附近范围,进行灭蚊行动,和派发预防日本脑炎宣传资料。

    The CHP and fehd have formed a team to inspect the area where the patient was found , conduct anti-mosquito measures , and distribute publicity materials on JE prevention .

  9. 用两个统计规律推导输运系数的方法运输署正计划利用高科技发展一套运输资讯系统,以便及时提供数码形式的运输资讯。

    How to Derive Conveyance Coefficient ; To enable such information to be readily available in digital form , Transport Department plans to establish an efficient Transport Information System , with the assistance of modern technology .

  10. 通过像NEUP这样的程序,该署现正采取行动,并重新启动了广阔的途径,创造新的清洁能源就业机会和减少二氧化碳污染。

    Through programs like NEUP , the Department is taking action to restart the nuclear industry as part of a broad approach to create new clean energy jobs and cut carbon pollution .

  11. 教育署现正制作教学软件,以协助推行资讯科技辅助的教学及学习活动。

    Education software is being developed to assist IT-facilitated teaching and learning activities .

  12. 教育署目前正收集许多有关谈判规则的公众意见。

    The department is now collecting public comments on a number of negotiated rules .

  13. 在执法方面,警方与环保署现正加强行动,对付排放黑烟的车辆。

    On the enforcement side , the police and environmental protection department are stepping up action against smoky vehicles .

  14. 该署现正实施鱼类健康管理计划,协助养鱼户减少鱼类疾病所造成的损失。

    A fish health management programme is being implemented to help fish farmers minimise losses due to fish diseases .

  15. 为鼓励学校推行优质教育,并建立本身的风格和特色,教育署现正鼓励学校逐步推行校本管理。

    To encourage schools to achieve quality education and to develop their own individuality and characteristics , school-based management is being implemented in stages .

  16. 教育署亦正为有特殊教育需要的学童,就经延展或修订的主流课程内个别科目或学习范畴制订学习纲要。

    The development of Programmes of Study which are extensions and adaptations of the mainstream curriculum on subjects or learning areas for these children is in progress .

  17. 此外,该署现正分两期实施放置人工鱼礁计划,以增加渔业资源和加强存护海洋环境。

    Moreover , the department has been implementing an artificial reef deployment project in two phases to enhance fisheries resources and to promote conservation of the marine environment .

  18. 该署现正参考各有关商会的意见,重新考虑长沙湾副食品批发市场的第二期发展计划。

    The plan for the development of Phase II of the Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Food Market is being reviewed in the light of views expressed by the trade associations concerned .