
shǔ mínɡ quán
  • the right of authorship;right of paternity;right to sign one's name on a piece of work
  1. 署名权虽然给了教职工,但事实上,教职工真正得到的经济利益相当微薄。

    A teacher or employee has the right of authorship , but only a slender portion of the profits .

  2. (二)署名权,即表明作者身份,在作品上署名的权利;

    The right of authorship , that is , the right to claim authorship and to have the author 's name indicated on his works ;

  3. 他们得到了一小部分纯利润以及电影演职人员字幕中的署名权。

    They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit .

  4. 作品署名权法律性质的探讨

    A Study of the Law Feature of Work Signature Right

  5. 但现实情况是署名权常常未能得到合理的行使。

    But at present it usually is not rationally performed .

  6. 新闻编辑中署名权问题的思考

    Reflections on the Signature Authority in News Editing

  7. 学术论文署名权的表达是有规范可依的,现实中不当不实的署名可归为失范、违规和侵权三类。

    The expression of the right of signature in academic dissertation should comply with the criterion .

  8. 参加活动的作品归属主办单位所有,作者享有署名权。

    The right of works belongs to the organizer , and the author has the right of authorship .

  9. 对争议中的冒名行为,笔者认为乃是属于侵害作者署名权的行为。

    This article observes that imposture in Copyright Law is the infringement of the right of signature of authors .

  10. 在现代以来形成的法律保障了文学作品的独立存在,保护了这个文本的署名权,版权、文本的独一无二的法律属性。

    The modern law guarantees the independent existence of literary works , protecting their signature right , copyright and unique legality .

  11. 精神权利研究&以署名权和保护作品完整权为主轴

    Research Into the Spiritual Right & Focus on the Right of Signature of Author and the Right of Integration of Work

  12. 作者的署名权,修改权,保护作品完整权的保护期不受限制。

    The term of protection of the rights of authorship , alteration , and integrity of an author shall be unlimited .

  13. 该部分从署名权的性质出发,分别阐述了这一精神权利的人身权属性、财产权属性。

    The part starting from the nature of authorship , moral rights were elaborated on this attribute of personal rights , property attributes .

  14. 署名权具有人身权中的人格权和身份权属性,也具有财产权属性,是一种对世权。

    Signing signature right have the attribute of personal right , involving status right and personality right , and property right and absolute right .

  15. 然后,探析署名权的起源,比较分析大陆法系和英美法系的沿革。

    Then , An Analysis of the origin of the right of authorship , a comparative analysis of civil law and common law evolution .

  16. 参加本次咨询的成果的署名权归应征者所有,主办单位有权无偿使用咨询成果。

    The authorship of plan is owned by participant in this consultation , the organizer has the right to free use of consultation results .

  17. 同时,对作品署名权的价值进行深入分析,分别从文化价值和经济价值的角度进行了比较细致的探讨。

    Meanwhile , the value of works of authorship-depth analysis , cultural value and economic value of the two angles were compared to detailed study .

  18. 作品署名权是精神权利的核心,是作者重要的人身权利,是著作权的一项基本权能。

    Authorship of works is a central part of moral rights , is an important personal right of the author , is a basic right in copyright .

  19. 参加本次征集活动的成果的署名权归投标人所有,招标人有权无偿使用设计成果;

    The signaturepower of participates in this collection activity the achievement all belong to the tenderer , the tenderee is authorized to the use design achievement for free ;

  20. 首先,阐述了在署名权转让与继承的问题,署名权的人身权性质决定了其具有不可转让的特性。

    First of all , explain some of the transfer and inheritance in the authorship question of authorship of the nature of the personal rights of its features with non-transferable .

  21. 著作权归属不明晰,导致对作者的署名权、修改权、经济权的侵犯;

    It is displayed mainly in the lack of clarity concerning the ownership of a copyright , leading to the violation of the writer 's signature right , revision right , economic right .

  22. 笔者认为作品署名权作为人身权利的重要组成部分,不仅具有人格权和身份权的属性,还在一定程度上影响和决定着作品的市场价值。

    I believe that works of authorship as an important component of personal rights , not only has the right personality and identity properties , and also to some extent with the work function value of an integral identity .

  23. 运用经济学上的效益&成本理论对精神权利中的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权、发表权、收回权分别论述,论证上述权利是有效益的。

    At last the benefit & cost theory in the economic is employed to make respective analysis on the rights of paternity , modification , integrity , publication and recall to reach a conclusion that the above rights are effective .

  24. 第二章是针对第一章提出的争议焦点所涉及的法律问题进行分析:概念的界定和辨析、权利归属相关问题以及署名权的认定问题。

    The second chapter is on the first chapter put forward the dispute focus the analysis on the legal issues involved : definition and analysis of the concept , the right ownership related issues and the cognizance question of authorship .

  25. 1996年6月21日,罗琳填写了申请表,当时她刚完成《哈利波特与魔法石》手稿,确保了署名权,正在寻找出版社。

    Rowling signed the forms on 21 June , 1996 . At that time , she has finished the manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone , had secured representation , and was looking for a publishing house .

  26. 传统文化产权的权利内容包括精神性权利和财产性权利两个方面,精神性权利包括署名权、文化尊严权和文化传承权,财产性权利包括文化使用权和获得收益权。

    The content of traditional cultural property rights includes spiritual and property benefits . The spiritual benefits contain the rights of authorship , cultural dignity and cultural inheritance and the property benefits contain the rights of utilizing culture and attaining certain benefits .

  27. 署名权侵权行为的归责原则应当实行过错责任原则,只要行为人尽到了合理的注意义务,就不应被课以赔偿责任。

    The author believes that the principle of authorship should be subject to the rules of tort principle of fault liability , as long as the actors do a reasonable duty of care to , it should not be subject to liability .

  28. 署名权是作者对其作品拥有的基本人身权利,应该受到人们的尊重和保护,在现实新闻工作中这种合法权利往往受到非法侵害。

    Signature authority is one of the author 's basic personal rights on his own work , which should be respected and protected by people . But in reality , this kind of legal right in news work is usually violated illegally .

  29. 建筑作品的作者对其人身权具体如何行使发表权、署名权、修改和保护作品完整权,都是完善建筑作品人身权立法中应予以考虑的。

    It should be taken into consideration in the future legislation how the author of architectural works , in terms of moral rights , to exercise his rights of publication , signature , modification , and the right of protection of the integrity of the architectural works .

  30. 本文第二章首先集中讨论了涉及建筑作品署名权、作者身份公开权、发表权、修改权和保护作品完整权等著作人身权的行使和限制中的特殊问题。

    Chapter Two of the thesis first focuses the discussion on the special problems in practicing and restricting the moral rights of architectural works , which includes authorship right of architectural works , personal identity disclosure right , the right of publication and the right of revision .