
fēnɡ jiàn huà
  • feudalization
  1. 苏联和我国学者论西欧封建化

    Studies made by former Soviet and Chinese scholars of the feudalization of

  2. 孝道的封建化对后世产生了深远的影响。

    Feudalization of filial piety has a profound influence on later generations .

  3. 论两汉时期滇人的封建化问题

    The Problems of Feudalization of the Dian Peoples in Period of Han Dynasties

  4. 鸦片战争的爆发,开启了中国半殖民地、半封建化的进程。

    The outbreak of the Opium War opened Chinese semi-colonial and semi-feudal process .

  5. 从低级走向高级历史阶段&黎族封建化进程中的社会发展

    On the Phase from Low to High Level & The Social Development of Li Nationality in the Process of Feudalization

  6. 同样,北魏皇后族属来源的变化和归附北魏的官员多元化正是北魏封建化的反映。

    Same , the variety of Northern Wei empress ' source and following the officials of diversification was exactly the reflection of feudalism .

  7. 在宏观上则表现为经济重心的南移、南方少数民族地区的跨越式发展和北方游牧民族的封建化。

    On macro level , it was reflected in the great-leap-forward development in southern minority area and the feudalization of northern nomadic people .

  8. 这一时期政教权力互相依存,互相利用,共同促进了罗斯国家的封建化。

    During this period , the church and state were mutual rely on existence and utilization , and jointly promoted the feudalization of Russ .

  9. 中世纪早期英格兰的生产力水平低下,封建化进程缓慢,城市更是处在不发达的水平。

    Early medieval England was low in production capability and slow in feudalization , and the cities at that time also stayed in the undeveloped level .

  10. 北魏政权自进入中原后,就顺应历史发展规律开始了封建化和农耕化的过程。

    Since entering the Central Plains , the Northern Wei Dynasty regime conformed to the law of historical development , and began the process of localization and farming .

  11. 中国自进入近代社会以来,一方面中国社会半殖民地半封建化程度逐渐加深,另一方面中国人民反对帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的意识日益增强。

    Since China entered the modern society , on the one hand , the semi - colonial and semi - feudal extent of the Chinese society was deepening gradually ;

  12. 北魏拓跋氏建立政权后,随着自身封建化过程的进展,对农业经济的发展有了更深刻的认识。

    After the establishment of the Northern Wei government , along with the development of its own feudalization , it gained more knowledge of the development of agricultural economy .

  13. 这场长达近10年的争论,直接影响了中国近代法律的发展方向,启动了中国法律由封建化向近代化转型。

    The argument of nearly ten years affected the developing direction of the law of modern China and started the transformation of the Chinese law from the feudalization to modernization .

  14. 她没有停留在建章立制的层面上,而是着眼于推进契丹社会封建化的长远战略。

    She didn 't stop on the surface of the establishment of rules and regulations but focused her attention on the long range strategies to advance the feudalization of the Khitan society .

  15. 张爱玲身处半殖民地半封建化的上海,金钱和物欲的冲击使她更深切地感受到人性在商业文明的压迫下的委顿、堕落和变异。

    Zhang Ai-ling lived in Shanghai which has been semi-colony and somi-feudal , the shocking of money and desire make her feel deeply the humanistic pessimistic 、 depraved and changed under the oppressing of commercial civilization .

  16. 各民族的大迁徙、大融合,使汉民族吸收了大量的新鲜血液,同时也加快了各民族的封建化进程,促进了各民族的改革进程。

    Great migration of peoples , greater integration , and Han nationality absorbed a large number of fresh bloods which also speeded up the process of feudalization of the peoples and promoted the national reform process .

  17. 爱德华一世的扩张加速了凯尔特地区的封建化进程,以暴力方式密切了英格兰封建文明与凯尔特文明间的交往,同时也推动了英格兰社会内部税收、军事、议会等制度的变革。

    The expansion of Edward I accelerated the development of feudal society in the Celtic district , promoted the association between two districts , and advanced the institution reform of taxation , military and parliament of England .

  18. 英国法律传统源于日耳曼因素、罗马因素与基督教因素,它的形成伴随着英国社会的封建化进程,在本质上保护着主体权利。

    The law tradition of England consists of three elements : Christianity factor Roman factor and Germanic factor . The course of law tradition of England goes along with the feudalization progress of England society . It protects the subjective rights in essence .

  19. 1840年鸦片战争以后,外国侵略者纷纷侵入中国,不仅使得中国逐渐陷入半殖民地半封建化社会,而且还极大地撼动了以中华帝国为中心的宗藩体制。

    After the Opium War , the foreign aggressors invaded in China , and China became to be a semi-colonial , semi-feudal society gradually . Moreover , the aggression also shook the Zong Fan system which takes the Chinese empire as center enormously .

  20. 封建观念堂皇化:宣传封建贞操观;

    On the Feudal Landlord Economy 2 . Glorifying the feudal idea .

  21. 封建伦理法律化体现为以伦理支配法、以伦理为法、引伦理入法;

    In the feudal society , legalized ethics embodies that law is subject to ethics , ethics is taken as law and introduced into law ;

  22. 浅析我国封建法制的儒家化进程

    The Confucian-styled Progress of China 's Feudal Legal System

  23. 近代以来,随着我国半封建半殖民地化的日益加深,农业危机也进一步加强。

    Agricultural crisis strengthened with the progressively deepening semi - feudalization and semi - colonization of China .

  24. 随着社会经济形态的半封建半殖民地化,出现了新的社会关系和经济关系,传统法律对此无力进行调整。

    With the melting semifeudally and semicolonially of social-economic formation , the new social relationships and economic relation have appeared , the traditional law is unable to adjust with this .

  25. 实际上,作家是将自然经济体制下维系人际关系的种种情意,抹去其封建色彩,理想化为超越历史时代的普遍的人格人情美。

    In reality , the writer uses emotions maintaining relations under the natural economic system to erase its feudal color , with ideals dissolving into universal personalities and emotions beyond history .

  26. 北魏离散部落不仅削弱游牧贵族的势力,加强国家对他们的统治,增强国家的经济和军事力量,而且把游牧部族纳入了封建制轨道,加快了北魏的封建化进程。

    The move not only weakened the nomadic nobles , consolidated the state 's rule of them , enhanced the national economy and the military force , but also made the nomadic tribes to go into the feudalistic track and sped up Northern Wei 's feudal advancement .

  27. 易言之,北魏国家在自身的发展中已经孕育了某些封建的因素。只不过随着这种不同部落或政权间的官员的流动,封建化大大加速了。

    In other words , the nation had already conceived of some feudalism factors , only along with the officials ' following but consumedly acceleration .

  28. 金代正处于中国封建历史的巨大变革时期,其统治疆域内民族众多,社会发展极不平衡,女真族的封建化进程对金代女性政治生活的影响复杂而深远。

    It existed in the historical revolution of the feudal period in China . It ruled a multi-national area , social development was unbalanced . The development of feudal society had a complexes influence upon women ' political life .