
  • 网络COVER;Binding;envelope;front cover;wrapper
封皮 [fēng pí]
  • (1) [envelope] a 〈方〉∶信封

  • (2) 把裹起来用的东西

  • 包起来用的纸是封皮

  • (3) [paper wrapping]∶图书的封面

  1. 这包裹的封皮扯不开。

    The cover of the parcel won 't tear .

  2. 您的行李领取签贴在机票的封皮上。

    Your baggage claim tags are attached to the ticket cover .

  3. 问题3男:Janet,这是我从你那儿借的书,不过很抱歉,我找不到书的封皮了。

    Question 3 . M : Janet , here 's the book I borrowed from you , but I 'm so sorry that I can 't find its jacket .

  4. 人们可以用这种纸打印封皮。

    Our people can print the cover sheet with this .

  5. 我廉价买下了它,因为它的封皮坏了。

    I got it cheaply as its cover was torn .

  6. 她忙着把一个用绳子捆住的报纸封皮小包裹解开。

    She was busy undoing a little newspaper parcel tied with string .

  7. 它还可以用相同的封皮装订不同的书。

    It can also be used the same cover binding different books .

  8. 封皮是黄色的那本书你喜欢吗?

    Do you like the book whose cover is yellow ?

  9. 借阅卡放在了封皮里面。

    The library card was inside the front cover .

  10. 赫伯尔特用铅笔在一本书的封皮里边写了些什么。

    Herbert had been writing with his pencil in the cover of a book .

  11. 四部分的外层封皮充满空气用来保持与大气的压力相协调。

    The outer envelope of all four sections contains air maintained at atmospheric pressure .

  12. 少数的书的封皮破了。

    A few of the books have tornjackets .

  13. 你可以定制一本硬封皮的相册。

    A customized hard cover photo album .

  14. 18.信封,包裹/信封,封皮

    18 . Envelop / Envelope

  15. 这信封的口没粘牢,开了。这包裹的封皮撕不开。

    The flap of the envelope has come unstuck The cover of the parcel won 't tear .

  16. 找一本称心合意的本子,要有厚质而有触感的页面和好看的封皮。

    Invest in a really nice one , with thick , textured pages and a nice cover .

  17. 用于加固书本封皮或合订本书脊的浆硬加厚织布。

    Starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a bound book .

  18. 索尼的机器有着同样的优点,而且看上去甚至更加精美就像一本绒布封皮的电子笔记本。

    The Sony machine offers the same benefits and looks even Slicker - like an electronic moleskine notebook .

  19. 永远不要以封皮外表评判一本书——如果有人向你证明这一真理,那么这个人一定是流浪汉PhilaniDladla。

    If anyone proves you should never judge a book by its cover , it 's Philani Dladla .

  20. 这就是那本封皮破了的书。

    That is the book whose cover ( ofwhich the cover / the cover of which ) was broken .

  21. 由于它蓝色的封皮,这本书被称为蓝皮拼字书。

    Which came to be known as @ A Blue-backed Speller @ as a result of its blue cover .

  22. 小册子不装订的出版物,常带有纸封皮其中有些在技术出版物上发表。

    An unbound printed work , usually with a paper cover . Some of these are described in technical publications .

  23. 观察类似图书的重量和图案这些内容会帮你发现隐藏在封皮底下的线索。

    Observe how things like the weight or texture of a book could offer clues for what 's hiding under the cover .

  24. 他把一本硬封皮的精装书当成圣诞礼物送给了我,我最近刚抽出时间打算读一读。

    He gave it to me for Christmas in a hardback cover , and I was just now getting around to reading it .

  25. 妈妈很生气地把我关到了卧室,扔给我一本厚厚的书。那本书黄色的封皮,看上去就像一本相册似的。

    My mother threw me in my bedroom and gave me a thick yellow book which looked to me like a photo album .

  26. 上周,我收到一本白色封皮的书,上面的“不”使用了巨大的黑色字体。

    Last week , I was sent a book with a plain white cover and the word no on the front in huge black type .

  27. 这本书叫《西部荒凉的日子》。这本书的封皮上画着一个坐落在大平原上的西部村庄。

    The title of the book was Days of the Wild West . On the cover was a picture of a western town on a prairie .

  28. 很多中国学生会提交给招生官一个封皮上印着他们照片的小册子或者一本书,用照片和文字故事去描述自己的生活。

    Many Chinese students have a small book or booklet printed with their picture on the cover and a picture and word story of their life for the admissions officer .

  29. 当弗朗西丝卡剥掉那瓶依阿华瓶盖的封皮时,她看见自己的指甲,希望它长长,保养得好一点。

    As Francesca stripped the Iowa liquor seal from the top of the brandy bottle , she looked at her fingernails and wished they were longer and better cared for .

  30. 我还是要决定封面内容,封皮,无数个细节,可是书内容本身的工作已经完成了。

    We still have to decide the cover art , and the jacket copy , and a million other details , but my work on the book itself will be finished .