
  • 网络Package;packaging technology;SiP;WLCSP
  1. 先进的叠层式3D封装技术及其应用前景

    Advanced Stacked 3 D Packaging Technology and Its Application Prospects

  2. 正是这种旺盛的需求极大推动了半导体IC封装技术的发展。

    This demand enormously impels the development of semiconductor IC packaging technology .

  3. 高亮度高纯度白光LED封装技术研究

    Research of the High Luminosity and Purity White LED Encapsulation Technology

  4. 大功率白光LED封装技术可靠性研究

    Reasearch on Encapsulation Technology Reliability of High Power White-Light LED

  5. 高效率、高可靠性紫外LED封装技术研究

    Study on Packaging Techology of Ultraviolet LED with High Efficiency and Reliability

  6. 整个系统的软件方面采用了模块化设计、多线程设计、Active控件的封装技术。

    Modularization , multi-thread design and Active Control Packaging Technology are widely used in this system .

  7. 基于SOA的服务构件封装技术研究

    Research on encapsulation of service component based on service-oriented architecture

  8. 经过光学封装技术的改善,可以大幅度地提高大功率LED灯串的出光率(光通量)。

    By improving the optical encapsulation , the luminous flux of LED can be improved greatly .

  9. 三维(3-D)封装技术

    Three Dimensional ( 3-D ) Packaging Technology

  10. MEMS封装技术及标准工艺研究

    Study on MEMS Packaging Technology and Its Standard Process

  11. 资源配置子系统;射频MEMS封装技术

    The subsystem of resource deployment ; RF MEMS Package Technology in Wireless Systems

  12. 敏捷供应链中基于多代理的Legacy系统封装技术

    Multi-Agent Based Legacy System Encapsulation in Agile Supply Chain

  13. 高可靠性PIN光电探测器底座封装技术

    Dependable Package Technology of PIN Photodetector Base

  14. MEMS封装技术研究进展与趋势

    Development and trends of MEMS packaging technology

  15. 光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)温度传感器增敏封装技术

    Packaging technique of enhancing temperature-sensitivity for fiber bragg grating sensor

  16. FBG温度传感器增敏封装技术及实验研究

    Enhancing-sensitivity packaging technique and experimental study for fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor

  17. 带有MU连接器接口的40Gb/s光接收模块封装技术

    Packaging Technology for 40Gb / s Optical Receiver Module with an MU-Connector Interface

  18. MIS前台应用开发中的DLL封装技术

    DLL Packaging Technique in MIS Foreground Application Development

  19. 大功率LD封装技术的研究

    New Encapsulation Technique of High Power Semiconductor Lasers

  20. 3D高密度封装技术虽然大幅度提高了器件的性能,但同时也引入了许多可靠性问题。

    It is widely used in data storage field.3-D high density packaging technologies have improved device performance significantly but also introduced many reliability problems .

  21. 多协议标记交换VPN的加密与封装技术

    Encrypting and Encapsulating Technology of MPLS VPN

  22. 采用容性封装技术提高ESD防护性能研究

    Study on Robustness Improved ESD Protection Method by Capacitive Packaging Technology

  23. 在IC制造技术受到物理极限挑战的今天,3D封装技术越来越成为了微电子行业关注的热点。

    IC manufacturing faced the challenges of physical limits , 3D packaging technology has increasingly become the focus of the microelectronics industry .

  24. VLSI高密度封装技术概览

    A Survey of VLSI High Density Packaging Technology

  25. 近年来,随着IC制造业的快速发展,对芯片封装技术有了更高的要求。

    In recent years , as the rapid growth of IC manufacturing , the IC packaging technology suffers huge challenge .

  26. 3-DMCM封装技术及其应用

    3-D MCM Packaging Technology and its Applications

  27. CSP引发内存封装技术的革命

    CSP Causes the Revolution of Memory Chip Package Technology

  28. 高频IGBT模块的封装技术

    The Packaging of High Frequency IGBT Module

  29. MPEG-4的RTP封装技术及其应用

    RTP Encapsulation Technology of MPEG-4 and Its Application

  30. T.三级微电子封装技术

    Three Levels Microelectronic Packaging Technology