
shè diàn xīng
  • radio star
射电星[shè diàn xīng]
  1. 较差VLBI技术观测射电星

    Observing radio stars by differential VLBI techniques

  2. BLLac天体和FR-I射电星系的统一模型(Ⅰ)

    The Unified Schemes for BL Lac Objects and FR-I Type Radio Galaxies (ⅰ)

  3. FK5系统中60颗射电星自行

    The proper motions of 60 radio stars in the FK5 system

  4. 1980年11月&1981年12月,上海天文台光电等高仪(Ⅱ型)和丹容等高仪(OPL,No.14)对15颗射电星进行了观测,求得,△α和△δ的星位改正值。

    The optical positions of 15 radio stars were observed with photoelectric Astrolabe ( Type ⅱ) and Danjon Astrolabe ( OPL NO. 14 ) at Shanghai Observatory during Nov. 1980-1981 . The corrections of star places △α and △δ are shown in this paper .

  5. 过滤动力学浅析射电星自行

    A study on kinetics of filtration PROPER MOTIONS OF THE RADIO STARS

  6. 高红移射电星系的研究进展

    Progress in the Studies of High Redshift Radio Galaxies

  7. 由光电等高仪1型在伊尔库茨克观测得到的22颗射电星的光学位置

    Optical Positions of 22 Radio Stars Measured by Photoelectric Astrolabe Mark-1 in Irkutsk

  8. 五颗射电星的光学定位

    Determination of the optical positions of five radio stars

  9. 射电星的光学位置和自行

    Optical positions and proper motions of radio stars

  10. 射电星观测与射电参考系和光学参考系的联系

    The observation of radio stars and the connection between the radio and optical reference frames

  11. 26颗亮射电星的观测结果类星体的观测

    Observations of 26 Bright Radio Stars

  12. 本文讨论射电参考系和光学参考系的联系方法,最佳选星条件,和用等高仪、中星仪观测射电星的期望误差。

    In this paper , the method how to link the radio reference system with the optical one , the optimum selection for observing program of radio stars and the expected error by using astrolabe and transit are discussed .

  13. 本文给出了用云南天文台Ⅱ型光电等高仪从1986年10月至1990年12月观测得到的26颗亮射电星的位置改正。

    The corrections for the positions of 26 bright radio stars , made according to , the observations obtained with the Type I photoelectric astrolabe at the Yunnan Observatory from October 1986 to December 1990 , are presented in this paper .