
xiǎo xiě
  • small letter;the ordinary form of a Chinese numeral;briefly describe
小写 [xiǎo xiě]
  • (1) [the ordinary form of a Chinese numeral;small letter]

  • (2) 汉字数目字的一般写法,如一、二、四等(跟大写相对)

  • (3) 拼音字母的一种写法,如a b c(跟大写相对)

  • (4) [briefly describe]∶稍加描绘

小写[xiǎo xiě]
  1. 你应该把小写的i改为大写的i。

    You should correct the small letter I to capital letter I.

  2. 他们都是一个小写的人。

    They are " the small letter persons " .

  3. 正文一律用小写字体。

    The text is all in lower case .

  4. ecu是用小写字母而不是大写字母印刷的。

    ' Ecu ' was printed in lower case rather than capital letters .

  5. 我们的徽标用了小写字母,没用大写。

    We did the logo in lower-case letters instead of capitals .

  6. 大多学校先教孩子们小写字母,然后再教大写字母。

    Most schools teach children lower case letters first , and upper case letters later .

  7. 它是用小写体印刷的。

    It was printed in lower case

  8. “网络英语”即在网络上使用的英语(如缩写、首字母缩写、小写字母、不使用标点符号和连字符等)。

    Weblish is a form of English that is used on the web ( use of abbreviations , acronyms1 , small letters , absence of punctuation2 and hyphens etc. )

  9. 好了,开头是一个大写的M,和小写的c,好。

    Okay , start with a big em , little see . Good .

  10. lower方法将string中的所有字符转换为小写。

    The lower method converts all the characters in the calling string to lowercase .

  11. c文件扩展名是一种文本模式,它仅匹配点号加小写字母c的情况。

    The . c file name extension is a literal pattern that matches only a period followed by a lowercase c.

  12. 小写q加个下标2是指电子所带电量。

    And lower case q sub2 is the charge on the electron .

  13. 飞鸟的动作可由小写字母v变成破折号来模仿。

    Action by the birds into a dash lower case letters v to imitate .

  14. 方法、字段和本地变量名以小写字母开头,如read()。

    Method , field , and local variable names begin with a lowercase letter , as in read () .

  15. 在包名中使用小写的“w”而在类名中要使用大写的“W”。

    Note the lowercase'w'in the package name and the upper case'W'in the name .

  16. 诗人ee卡明斯喜欢用小写字母写他的名字,而不是大写。

    The poet e.e.cummings preferred his name to be written with small letters , not capital letters .

  17. 注意,时间戳并未使用小写形式,而String参数变为了小写形式。

    Notice that the time stamp isn 't put in lowercase but the String parameter is .

  18. 第二个for循环在迭代原始string时仅查找小写元音字母。

    The second for loop only finds lowercase vowels as it iterates over the original string .

  19. 举例来说,在C中,类名都是以小写字母开头的,方法名和字段名以大写字母开头。

    In C # , for example , class names begin with lowercase letters , and method and field names begin with uppercase letters .

  20. 这种斥力很想一个固定的小写字母,被R到n分开的话,N不是量子数。

    B The repulsive term goes as some constant lower case b divided by R to the n.N is not the quantum number .

  21. 使用map,并且除首字母大写外、以小写字母打印并排序所有环境变量的多行循环

    A multi-line loop to print all the environment variables in lowercase , with the first letter uppercase , and sorted , using map

  22. 当said,asked等词置于引语之间时,句子的后半部分以小写字母开始。

    D When words like ' said ' or ' asked ' interrupt the speaker , the second half of the sentence begins with a small letter .

  23. 为解决磁盘存储中的小写问题,本文研究了一种新的层次Cache结构。

    To improve the small write performance of disk storage , the paper studies a new hierarchical cache .

  24. 当您使用该模板时,变量${h}将会由h代替(小写的字母“h”)。

    When you used this template , the $ { h } variable was replaced with h ( lowercase letter " h ") .

  25. 我们推导,这两个最终能达到,某种平衡分离,我们用小写的r代表。

    And we reasoned that these two eventually reach some kind of an equilibrium separation which we are using lowercase r to represent .

  26. 使用HTTP压缩,并始终使用小写的div和类名

    Use HTTP compression , and always use lowercase divs and class names

  27. PHP脚本,如果你的数据文件名不小心被转换成小写的话,该脚本将帮助你进行修正。

    PHP script to help you fix your data filenames if they get converted to lowercase by accident .

  28. 所有的REST查询必须通过签名令牌签名的方式进行认证,该过程通过对按小写的字母顺序排序的查询参数使用私钥进行签名。

    All REST queries must be authenticated by signing the query parameters sorted in lower-case , alphabetical order using the private credential as the signing token .

  29. 如果你将为自己进入下一代HTML语言做准备的话,就应该开始使用小写标签。

    If you want to prepare yourself for the next generations of HTML , you should start using lowercase tags .

  30. 注意:在UNIX上,数据文件名称区分大小写,而且必须为小写。

    Note : on UNIX , the data file names are case sensitive and MUST be lower case .