
  • 网络Cerebellar hemisphere;hemispherium cerebelli
  1. 小脑半球肿瘤的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Cerebellar Hemisphere Tumors

  2. 小脑半球肿瘤的MRI诊断与鉴别诊断

    MRI diagnosis and differential diagnosis of cerebellar hemisphere tumors

  3. 小脑半球脑梗塞的MR诊断

    Infarction of the Cerebellum Dignosis by MRI

  4. 结果:右手握拳维持肌张力激活左侧初级运动皮层区(PrimaryMotorCortex,M1)、初级体感觉皮层(primarysenso-rycortex,S1)及右侧小脑半球。

    Results : Right hand sustained muscle contraction activated the left primary motor cortex , the left primary sensory cortex and right cerebellum .

  5. 脑内病变延伸至CPA表现为病变大部分位于一侧小脑半球或脑干,向患侧CPA延伸,患侧桥池和/或环池受压变窄或闭塞。

    Intracerebral lesion which extended to CPA was manifested as constriction or occlusion of cisterna pontis and / or cisterna ambiens .

  6. 该文通过对54例幕下转移瘤病灶的分析,认为:小脑半球的转移思CT表现为囊性低密区环和高密度强化带;

    The CT signs of 54 cases of subtentorial metastatic foci were analysed . It is shown that ( 1 ) the metastatic foci in the cerebellar hemisphere manifested cystiform ring of low density and contrast enhanced band ;

  7. 采用GE1.5T超导磁共振扫描仪行多体素PRESS序列扫描,定位于双侧前额叶皮质、白质及双侧小脑半球。

    Spectra were acquired by multi-voxel PRESS sequence with GE Signa 1.5T MR / I , localizing in prefrontal lobe and cerebellum .

  8. 结果非伤害性电刺激(1倍痛阈强度)主要激活对侧小脑半球小叶Ⅵ、Ⅶ区和同侧小脑半球Ⅶ、Ⅷ区,以同侧半球的BOLD信号较强;

    Results The activation elicited by non-noxious electrical stimulation mainly located in the contralateral cerebellar hemispheric lobule ⅵ, ⅶ and ipsilateral lobule ⅶ, ⅷ, the BOLD signal of ipsilateral hemisphere showed relatively significant ;

  9. 结果全部患者MRI显示对称性双侧小脑半球、大脑半球后部、内囊后肢、胼胝体压部、脑干等皮质下白质为主的多发性大片状长T1、长T2信号,加强后病灶无强化;

    Results Brain MRI showed multiple T1 - and T2-weighted signal in symmetrical bilateral subcortical white matter in the cerebellar hemisphere , posterior cerebral hemisphere , posterior limbs of internal capsule , splenium of corpus callosum , and brainstem , which were not contrast enhancing .

  10. 磨除部分乳突后联合颞部开颅,形成一3.5cm×3cm大小的骨窗,暴露并剪开乙状窦前和颞部硬脑膜,牵开颞叶和小脑半球,显微镜下观察所显露的解剖结构。

    After stripping partial mastoid process , a 3.5cm × 3cm bone window at the temporal part was made to expose the anterior part of the sigmoid sinus and temporal dura mater . Many anatomic structures can be observed under microscope when cerebellar hemisphere and temporal lobe were drawn away .

  11. 矢状位扫描病变位于小脑半球后下部。

    The lesions were located in posterior inferior cerebella on sagittal scans .

  12. 发生于小脑半球,侵犯皮层区4例,多为成人。

    Cases located in cerebellar hemispheres , which were common in adults .

  13. 位于小脑半球3处,出血2处;

    Were situated in cerebellar hemisphere with 2 hemorrhagic ;

  14. 小脑半球脑梗塞可伴有其他部位脑梗塞。

    Besides cerebellar infarction , there is other part of the brain ischemia .

  15. 小脑半球单发类囊肿型脑转移瘤1例

    Cystoid metastatic tumor in cerebellum : case report

  16. 以小脑半球白质受累最为严重,但其灰质核团未见受累。

    Cerebellar white matter was severely involved , but the grey matter nucleus were not involved .

  17. 牵开小脑半球后暴露舌咽神经和迷走神经。

    First the cerebellar hemisphere was retracted and then the glossopharyngeal nerve and the vagus were exposed .

  18. 小脑半球损害综合征

    Syndrome of cerebellar hemisphere injury

  19. 大鼠小脑半球传入联系&辣根过氧化物酶逆行追踪研究

    ABSCESS OF CEREBELLUM Afferent Fibers of the Rat Cerebellar Hemisphere & Studied by HRP Retrograde Transport Techniques

  20. 肿瘤位于蚓部15例(80%),小脑半球4例(20%)。

    15 ( 80 % ) tumors located in vermis and 4 ( 20 % ) in cerebellar hemisphere .

  21. 结果:血管母细胞瘤常位于小脑半球及蚓部,其它部位少见。

    Results : Hemangioblastomas were often located in hemispherium cerebelli and vermis cerebelli , other parts of brain were rare .

  22. 结果:肿瘤位于小脑半球8例,小脑蚓部5例,第四脑室10例。

    Results : 8 cases located in cerebellar hemisphere , 5 cases in vermis , 10 cases in fourth ventricle .

  23. 第四脑室与两侧小脑半球大小不等的两囊腔相连1例;

    Cases ; the fourth ventricle with connection to different size of cyst of both cerebellar hemispheres , 1 cases ;

  24. 结果6例病人中,原发病变为小脑半球出血4例,小脑肿瘤手术后1例,转移瘤1例。

    Results Four cases were due to cerebellar hemorrhage , and two cases were due to cerebellar tumor dissection and metastasis respectively .

  25. 11例术前脑疝及6例小脑半球出血者采用静脉全麻,开颅清除血肿;

    Craniotomy and hematoma clearance under general anesthesia was adopted in 11 cases of preoperative brain hernia and 6 cases of cerebellar hemispheric hemorrhage ;

  26. 包括小脑半球肿瘤、小脑蚓部、桥小脑角、第四脑室、听神经瘤、斜坡肿瘤等。

    Including cerebellar hemisphere tumor , cauda cerebelli bridge cerebellum angle , fourth ventricle , auditory nerve lump , pitch tumor and so on .

  27. 本组患者中有13例动静脉畸形位于功能区(运动区、语言区、视觉中枢),6例位于大脑半球深部,2例位于小脑半球。

    13 cases of cerebral AVMs were located in functional area , 6 cases in deep cerebral area , and 2 cases in cerebellar hemisphere .

  28. 结果12例肿瘤中7例定位于小脑半球,4例位于蚓部,1例位于第四脑室内。

    Results Of 12 tumors , 7 cases were located in the cerebellar hemisphere , 4 in the vermis , and 1 in the IV ventricle .

  29. 相当于小脑半球在头皮上的投影。从枕外粗隆顶端,旁开3.5厘米,向下引平行于前后正中线的4厘米长的直线。

    Over the cerebellar hemisphere , 3.5cm lateral to the external occipital protuberance , parallel to the midline of the head , 4cm long extending downward .

  30. 结果17例脑脓肿患者中,脑脓肿分布于大脑半球11例,小脑半球5例,基底节区1例。

    Results Among 17 Encephalopyosis patients , there are 11 encephalopyosis that distribute their hemishere , 5 encephalopyosis distribute their cerebellar hemisphere and one encephalopyosis distribute basal area ;