
yán suǐ
  • medulla oblongata
延髓 [yán suǐ]
  • [spinal cord;medulla oblongata] 后脑的一部分,上接脑桥,下接脊髓。舌咽神经、迷走神经、舌下神经等都由延髓发出

  1. P物质样结构在鸡延髓的分布

    The distribution of substance P - like immunoreactive structures in the medulla oblongata of chick

  2. 大鼠牙髓伤害性刺激诱导延髓内Fos表达

    Noxious dental pulp stimulation induced Fos expression in the medulla oblongata of the rat

  3. 小脑延髓池穿刺和C(12)侧方穿刺的比较及临床意义

    Cerebellomedullary cistern and C_ ( 1 ~ 2 ) Lateral Puncturation Compare of Clinical Meaning

  4. 兔延髓腹侧CO2和血压敏感单位

    Co_2 and BP sensitive units in the ventral medulla of rabbits

  5. α1-受体参与介导P物质在家兔延髓头端腹外侧面的升压作用

    α - Receptor Involved in the Pressor Effect of Substance P Applied to Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla in Rabbits

  6. 猫延髓吻侧腹外侧区5-羟色胺、苯乙醇胺氮位甲基转移酶、P物质和亮氨酸-脑啡肽免疫反应神经元的分布

    Distribution of serotonin , phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase substance P and leu-enkephalin immunoreactive neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of the cat

  7. 纳洛酮在延髓腹外侧加压区加强P物质引起的升压效应

    Pressor effect of substance P was strengthened by naloxone in the pressor area of ventral surface of medulla in rabbits

  8. 三叉神经痛大鼠延髓内GABAB受体的变化

    Change of GABA_B Receptor in Medulla of Trigeminal Neuralgia on Rats

  9. P物质在家兔延髓腹侧面加压区的升压作用及其机制探讨

    Pressor effect of substance P applied to the pressor area of ventral surface of medulla oblongata and the underlying mechanism in rabbits

  10. 去传入神经引起大鼠延髓后角P物质、胆囊收缩素、神经降压肽、亮-脑啡肽变化机制的探讨

    Study on the mechanism of changes of substance p , cholecystokinin , neurotensin , leucin-enkephalin within the rat medullary dorsal horn by deafferentation

  11. 高血压大鼠延髓头端腹外侧区GABAB受体中介的心血管效应

    Cardiovascular Effects Mediated by GABA_B Receptor in the Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

  12. 电针可促进前脑啡肽原mRNA在大鼠脊髓和延髓的表达:原位杂交研究

    Electroacupuncture enhances enkephalin mRNA expression in the spinal cord and medulla , an in situ hybridization study

  13. 结论延髓背外侧综合征的临床特点与MRI的受累部位密切相关。

    Conclusions The clinical characteristics of lateral medullary syndrome is closely correlated with the location of the lesion .

  14. 人胎儿延髓bcl-2的发育表达

    Development of bcl-2 mRNA in human fetal medulla

  15. 方法:选择116例国人正常颅椎区的MRI片,测量其上颈髓腹侧与延髓腹侧两直线间的夹角,即颈髓角。

    Method : The cervico-medullary angle of 116 Chinese with normal occipital-cervical junction was measured on cervical spine MRI .

  16. 猪丘脑、小脑和延髓内Leptin长形受体mRNA的分布定位

    Localization of long form leptin receptor mRNA in thalamus , cerebellum and medulla oblongata in pigs

  17. 次声刺激诱导大鼠延髓内儿茶酚胺能神经元FOS的表达

    Infrasonic stimulation induced Fos expression in medullary catecholaminergic neurons in rats

  18. P物质及儿茶酚胺在海仁酸刺激延髓腹侧面头端引起的升压反应中的作用

    The Role of Substance P and Catecholamine in the Mechanism of Pressor Response Elicited by Application of Kainic Acid to the Rostral Ventral Surface of the Medulla Oblongata in Rat

  19. 雌性大鼠在摘除卵巢后延髓内脏带神经元的FOS表达

    C-fos expression in neurons of medullary visceral zone of female rat after ovariectomy

  20. 原发性脑干损伤后延髓网状结构bFGF改变的研究

    Study on the change of bFGF in reticular formation of medulla oblongata after primary brain-stem injury

  21. 大鼠头端延髓腹外侧区NMDA受体在动脉压力感受器反射中的作用

    Roles of NMDA receptors in arterial baroreceptor reflex in rostral ventrolateral medulla of rats

  22. 鼠尾伤害性刺激与颧髎穴电针后弓状核-导水管周围灰质-延髓头端腹内侧区的前脑啡肽原mRNA的表达及与Fos蛋白共存

    Expression of preproenkephalin mRNA and its coexistence with FOS in rat ar-pag-rvm following tail nociceptive stimulation and acupuncture in Quanliao point

  23. 模拟失重大鼠瞬间血压降低后延髓内脏带内Fos的表达

    Fos expression in medullary visceral zone following transient decrease of blood pressure in simulated weightlessness rats

  24. 目的观察蛋白激酶Cγ亚单位(PKCγ)阳性超微结构在大鼠延髓背角内的定位分布及其突触联系。

    AIM To examine the ultrastructural localization of protein kinase C γ isoform ( PKC γ) and its synaptic connections in rat medullary dorsal horn .

  25. 目的:探讨家兔延髓最后区(AP)对心血管活动的调节作用及机制。

    Aim : To determine the role of area postrema ( AP ) of rabbit in the regulation of cardiovascular function .

  26. 本文应用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)示踪方法对控制鸽发声的延髓运动核团进行了定位研究。

    The location of medullary motor nuclei controlling vocalization of pigeon have been studied with horseradish peroxidase .

  27. 大鼠脑出血后延髓内脏带内儿茶酚胺能神经元的Fos表达

    Catecholaminergic neurons expressing Fos protein in the medullary visceral zone of the rat following experimental cerebral hemorrhage

  28. 伽玛刀不同剂量照射正常大鼠一侧尾壳核后延髓内Fos蛋白的表达及变化

    Expression and change of Fos in the medulla oblongata of rat following exposure to various dose of gamma knife

  29. 在高剂量组的延髓腹外侧区出现3种Fos阳性细胞:胞核阳性、胞浆阴性;

    In the high dosage group , three types of Fos positive expression appeared in ventrolateral medulla oblongata nucleus .

  30. 止血带疼痛与C类神经纤维和延髓头端腹内侧结构(rostralventromedialmedulla,RVM)中的神经元有关。

    Tourniquet pain are associated with c fibers and neurons of rostral ventromedial medulla ( RVM ) .