
  1. 维生素E、C和硒延缓衰老作用研究

    Effect of Vitamins E , C and Selenium on Delaying Senescent Process

  2. 从基因突变和DNA损伤角度研究延缓衰老中药

    Studying antiaging Chinese traditional medicines from the protective effect on mutagenesis and DNA damage

  3. 目的研究黄芪总提取物(totalextractofastragalus,TEA)延缓衰老的作用机理。

    Aim To study the mechanism of the anti-aging effect of total extract of astragalus ( TEA ) in mice .

  4. 同时维生素E与其它维生素协同作用可更好的发挥其抗氧化、延缓衰老等保健作用。

    The same time , vitamin E with other vitamins synergy can better play its anti-oxidation , anti-aging and other health effects .

  5. 结论:提高机体抗DNA损伤能力可能是金匮肾气丸延缓衰老作用的主要机理所在。

    CONCLUSION : The mechanism of this pill in preventing aging lies in its effect in enhancing the body 's ability to prevent DNA damage .

  6. 维生素C是一种水溶性维生素,具有美白祛斑、延缓衰老的美容功效,但是容易氧化变质,且不易被皮肤吸收。

    Vitamin C is water soluble , it has the effect of skin lightening and anti-aging , but it is easy to oxidative deterioration , and not easily penetrate through the skin .

  7. 结论认为:大鼠机体衰老进程中血睾酮水平与睾丸组织SOD活性呈正相关,有氧游泳运动是延缓衰老的有效手段。

    There is positive correlation between concentration of serum testosterone and SOD activity in testis organization and exercise of aerobic metabolism has anti-decrepitude function .

  8. 通过提高SOD酶等抗氧化酶系统,提高抗性和延缓衰老,达到各性状综合协调提高。

    Depends on enhances SOD enzymes and other anti oxidase system , Enhanced the resistance and delay senility , Achieved various characters synthesis coordination enhancement .

  9. 双歧杆菌脂磷壁酸(lipoteichoicacid,LTA)具有延缓衰老作用,但其延缓衰老的机制尚不清楚。

    Lipoteichoic acid of Bifidobacterium have anti-aging effect , but its mechanism is not clear enough .

  10. 补充抗氧化剂如维生素C和E可以延缓衰老的观念被沉重一击。科学研究表明,支撑此观点的理论是错误的。

    The notion that antioxidant supplements such as vitamins C and E could slow ageing has been dealt a blow by a scientific study showing that the theory behind the advice is wrong .

  11. 应用PCR技术,检测小鼠心肌、骨骼肌、肝脏、肾脏和大脑等组织mtDNA的缺失,探讨衰老及有氧运动训练延缓衰老的可能机制。

    The mtDNA deletion were investigated in mice heart , liver , brain , kidney and skeletal muscle by PCR to study the mechanism of aging .

  12. 艾灸预刺激和艾灸治疗均能有效改善AD模型大鼠学习记忆功能,减轻AD患者认知功能退化等症状,从而延缓衰老。

    Moxibustion pre-stimulation and moxibustion treatment can effectively improve the learning and memory functions of AD model rats , and alleviate the symptoms of AD patients with cognitive function degradation , thereby delaying aging .

  13. 方法:通过测定小鼠肝脏SOD、GSH-Px的活性及MDA的含量的变化,研究墨旱莲水煎剂的延缓衰老功效。

    Methods : Determining the activity of SOD and GSH-Px and the content of MDA in the livers of the mice to find the effectiveness of Eclipta alba apozem .

  14. 以22月龄Wistar大鼠为实验对象,进行红松种仁不饱和脂肪酸调节血糖和血脂作用及延缓衰老作用功能检验。

    Regard 22 months aged Wistar rats as experimental objects , carry Korean pine nut unsaturated fatty acid research on delay aging function and regulate blood lipid function .

  15. 衰老叶片叶绿素荧光动力学变化及6-BA延缓衰老的机理研究

    Studies on the Changes of Kinetics of Chlorophyll Fluorescence from Intact Leaves During Senescence and the Mechanism of Inhibiting Aging by 6-BA

  16. 方法采用果蝇寿命实验,观察EF延长果蝇寿命的效果;采用果蝇全基因组寡核苷酸芯片研究EF延缓衰老的机制。

    Methods The effect of EF on longevity of drosophila was detected by lifespan test , and the mechanisms were probed using oligonucleotide microarray .

  17. DrBaker的研究结果提供了关于延缓衰老的新的ideal,并且,该ideal是顺着自然的思路来而不是对抗她。

    Dr Baker 's result provides is a new way of thinking about how to slow the process of ageing & and one that works with the grain of nature , rather than against it .

  18. 结论:JSB可提高衰老模型小鼠血清中IL-2活性,抑制IL-6的异常升高,从而增强免疫功能,起到延缓衰老作用。

    Conclusion : JSB can increase IL-2 , inhibit IL-6 , and delay the senility , these functions maybe related with immunoregulation of JSB .

  19. 近年来研究表明,MT具有广泛的药理生理作用,在延缓衰老、肿瘤生长及防止某些神经退行性病变方面有很好的调控作用,并且认为MT是相当安全的。

    Recently , studies have revealed that MT have a broad spectrum of physiological and pharmacological capability , it could regulate the anti-aging , tumor growth and prevent certain neurodegenerative diseases .

  20. 推测GCs可能是通过抗氧化机制起到延缓衰老和防治老年性痴呆的作用。

    It indicated that GCs could slow decrepitude and has effect of prevention and treatment of aged dementia , the mechanism of which may related with antioxidation .

  21. 1-MCP处理对果实表现双重作用:贮藏期减小了果实LOX活性,有利于延缓衰老;而出库回温期却加促了LOX活性增强,增进冷害发生。

    1-MCP treatment had dual effects on the fruit , it reduced the LOX activity during the storage stage in favor of delaying the consenescence .

  22. 番茄红素(Lycopene)是一种天然类胡萝卜素,它具有防癌抗癌、提高免疫力、延缓衰老等多种保健功能。

    Lycopene is a kind of natural carotenoid , it has the function of various health cares , such as resisting cancer , increasing the immunity and deferring decrepitude etc.

  23. 适当补充DHEA对于延缓衰老,改善与衰老相关的疾病,如改善心血管和免疫功能,变得尤为重要。

    Suitable supplement of DHEA will postpone senescence and improve diseases related to senescence , for example improving the function of cardiovascular and immune systems .

  24. 培养基中添加不同浓度的细胞分裂素6-BA能影响黄瓜毛状根的形态,促进毛状根的生长并延缓衰老;

    Addition of various concentrations of 6-BA in the medium could not only influence the morphology , but also enhance the growth and delay the senescence of cucumber hairy roots .

  25. 结论:穴位埋线加灸能提高机体抗自由基氧化损伤的能力,减轻脾细胞DNA损伤程度,达到延缓衰老的目的,但其作用的组织器官存在一定的特异性。

    Conclusion The treatment of point thread embedding plus moxibustion can increase the ability of protecting the organism from oxidative damage of free radicals and reduce the damage degree of spleen DNA , so as to delay aging . And the action is of specificity for tissues and organs .

  26. 人参(panaxginseng)为五加科多年生草本植物,含有多种生物活性物质,有防治肿瘤、延缓衰老、抗辐射等多种生物学活性作用,而人参皂苷是人参主要活性成分之一。

    Ginseng ( Panax ginseng ) is Araliaceae perennial herb that contains various bioactive substances , which could prevent tumor , retard aging process , provide radioresistance and many other biological applications . Ginsenoside is the main active ingredient of Panax ginseng .

  27. 补肾填精中药能明显地抑制老年小鼠和大鼠大脑及海马线粒体MAO活性,对机体脑组织产生明显延缓衰老的作用。

    The traditional Chinese medicine of tonifying the kidney and tonifying the deficient essence could obviously inhibit activities of mitochondrial MAO in cerebrum and hippocampus of old rats and mouse , so it could prolong life of brain of rats and mice .

  28. 结果表明:D-半乳糖拟衰老小鼠大脑皮层SOD、NOS活性显著提高,MDA水平下降,提示该方能提高机体清除自由基的能力,改善神经递质代谢,从而达到延缓衰老的目的。

    It shows a significant increase in the activity of cerebral cortex SOD , and NOS , but a decrease in MDA . This implies the recipe can increase the body 's ability to scavenge free radicals , and improve the neural transmitter metabolism , thus postponing senility .

  29. 黄芪延缓衰老作用的研究

    Research on the effect of Astragalus membranaceus on delay in senility

  30. 鱼鳞提取物延缓衰老作用研究

    Study on the senility-delaying effect of fish scale extract on rats