
  1. 相似降水条件下,90年代延安站洪水的洪峰流量、洪量和输沙量比80年代有所减少;洪水历时延长,洪水过程线呈现涨洪陡、落洪缓的特点。

    Under the similar precipitation , flood peak flow , flood volume and sediment load at the Yanan station are all smaller in the 1990s than in 1980s .

  2. 延安火车站无站台柱钢结构雨篷采用拱形张弦梁主体结构。

    Noplatformcolumn steel canopy in Yan ′ an Station is arch beam string structure .

  3. 延安火车站雨棚张弦梁随环境温度变化的结构性能研究

    Research on the Structural Performance of the Beam String under Temperature Change in the Weather Shed of Yan'an Railway Station