
miàn shén jīng
  • facial nerve;nervus facialis
面神经 [miàn shén jīng]
  • [facial nerve] 第七对脑神经,分布在面部的两侧,主管面部肌肉、泪腺和舌下腺的分泌、味觉等

面神经[miàn shén jīng]
  1. 听神经瘤术中自发连续肌电图(onlineEMG)对于面神经保护的意义

    The value of spontaneous online EMG to protection of facial nerve during acoustic neuroma microsurgery

  2. 目的:(1)研究局部应用神经节苷脂GM1对兔面神经损伤的修复作用。

    Objective : ( 1 ) To study the effect of ganglioside GM1 on the regeneration of facial nerve .

  3. 针刺维生素B(12)穴位注射治疗面神经麻痹80例

    Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Acute Facioplegia Treated with Acupuncture Plus Vitamin B_ ( 12 ) Acupoint Injection Therapy

  4. 结果面神经管的平均长度为(29.73±1.07)mm。

    Results The mean length of FNC was ( 29.73 ± 1.07 ) mm .

  5. 青年人面神经F波的正常值测定

    The normal value measurement of F wave in facial nerve of young normal subjects

  6. 大鼠面神经损伤后bcl-2的表达及意义

    The expression of bcl-2 mRNA in facial nerve in rat after nerve injury

  7. 面神经管的超高分辨双螺旋CT扫描及MPR的应用

    Ultrahigh Resolving Double helix CT Scaning of Facial Nerve Canal and Application of MPR

  8. 目的探讨外源性髓鞘碱性蛋白(MyelinBasicProtein,MBP)在家兔面神经再生室修复中的作用。

    Objective To study the role of exogenous myelin basic protein ( MBP ) in neural repairment .

  9. Nd∶YAG激光照射致兔面神经损伤的计量病理学研究

    Facial Nerve Injury after Nd ∶ YAG Laser Irradiation in Rabbits : A Quantitative Pathologic Study

  10. Bell麻痹除面神经受损以外可能合并脑干和(或)三叉神经损害。

    Bell 's paralysis probably combines facial nerve injury and brainstem / trigeminal nerve injury .

  11. 目的:探讨高分辨CT扫描在颞骨骨折致面神经损伤中的应用价值。

    Objective : To discuss the applied value of the high resolution CT scan in the facial nerve injury induced by the temporal bone fracture .

  12. 方法对20只新西兰大白兔面神经行不同能量密度的Nd∶YAG激光照射,并对受损面神经进行计量病理学测定。

    Methods Facial nerves in 20 rabbits after Nd ∶ YAG laser irradiation were studied with quantitative pathology .

  13. 目的:报道51例由柯萨奇B组病毒(COXSACKIREBVIRUSCBV)所致面神经麻痹及神经系统病变;

    Objective : This article reports 51 cases in which facial nerve paralysis and pathologic changes of the nervous system were caused by Coxsackie B virus ( CBV ) .

  14. 端侧神经吻合配合NGF修复面神经缺损的实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Repairing Facial Nerve Defect Using End-to-side Neurorrhaphy Combined with NGF

  15. 地塞米松对损伤面神经核中MHC抗原表达的影响

    Effects of dexamethasone on the expression of MHC antigens in damaged facial nucleus

  16. 面神经管垂直部与颈静脉窝之间距离的MSCT测量

    MSCT measurement of the distance between the vertical facial canal and the jugular fossa

  17. 结论:BMP-2可能有一定的促进面神经再生的作用。

    Conclusion : BMP 2 may promote the facial nerve regeneration .

  18. 目的:对展神经、面神经、前庭蜗神经进行塑化切片与MRI对照研究,获得正常影像和断层解剖资料。

    Objective : To obtain the normal image and sectional anatomical data of the abducent nerve , facial nerve , vestibulocochlear nerve with MRI and plastination .

  19. 乙状窦中段前缘到面神经垂直段的最短距离:(9.84±2.48)mm;

    The shortest distance from the anterior border of middle sigmoid sinus to the mastoid segment of facial nerve was ( 9.84 ± 2.48 ) mm ;

  20. 全部病人肿瘤控制有效率为934%,听力保留率为708%,面神经功能保留(Grade分级12级)为830%。

    Tumor control rate of all the 24 patinets was 93.4 % . Hearing preservation rate was 70.8 % . Facial function ( Grade ⅰ - ⅱ) preservation rate was 84.7 % .

  21. 目的:探讨利用多层CT各向同性容积数据,实现面神经管的MPR双斜位成像。

    Objective : To approach the method of demonstrating the facial canal with multi-slice CT isotropic scanning by using double oblique multi-planar reformation ( MPR ) .

  22. GDNF基因体内转染对大鼠面神经运动神经元的保护作用

    Protective effects of GDNF gene transfection in vivo on motor neurons of facial nerve in rats

  23. MSCT斜轴位多平面重组图像在面神经管膝状窝及其周围骨折诊断中的价值

    Value of Oblique Axial MPR Imaging of MSCT in Diagnosing the Fracture of Geniculate Fossa of Facial Nerve Canal and Its Nearby

  24. 目的:探讨面神经诱发肌电图在显微血管减压(MVD)术中、术后对面肌痉挛治疗效果的监测和评估。

    To investigate the usefulness of monitoring facial evoked electromyography ( EMG ) in microvascular decompression ( MVD ) of facial nerve .

  25. IAC内面神经及耳蜗前庭神经粗细存在个体差异。

    The size of the facial nerve and cochleovestibular nerve in IAC has individual difference .

  26. 面神经管及周围结构在冠状薄层切片和HRCT上的对照研究

    Contrast study between coronal sectional anatomy and HRCT image of temporal bone including the inner segment of facial nerve canal and adjacent structures

  27. 目的:通过对端侧神经吻合术配合神经生长因子(NGF)修复面神经缺损的研究,探索简便、省时、不损伤供神经而又可获得较好神经再生效果的修复神经损伤的新方法。

    Objective : To investigate a new potential method for repairing the facial nerve defect using end-to-side neurorrhaphy combined with nerve growth factor ( NGF ) .

  28. 面神经阻断组,bcl2持续表达,而随着面神经功能恢复bax表达逐渐恢复正常。

    In reinnervated group , bcl-2 expressed consistently , but bax disappeared latterly along with the function of facial nerve recovered .

  29. 面神经ENoG和MEP检查在面肌麻痹诊断及预后方面的应用

    Application of Facial Nerve ENoG and MEP in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Facial Nerve Palsy

  30. 小鼠面神经损伤急性期T细胞CD69表达的研究

    The expression of CD69 on T cells of the mouse with facial nerve transection at acute stage