
fù jiāo ɡǎn shén jīnɡ
  • parasympathetic nerve
  1. 目的:为了检验一个新的学说:是胰岛素而不是胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-1)激活肝脏副交感神经反射。

    Objective : To test a new hypothesis that insulin , but not IGF-1 , triggers the hepatic parasympathetic nerve reflex .

  2. 频域分析提示DM患者心脏自主神经系统失衡,交感神经张力相对增高,副交感神经活性相对降低;

    In DM patients , there was a disbalance in heart autonomic system , showing that the tension of sympathetic nerve was relatively increased while that of parasympathetic nerve comparatively decreased .

  3. 提示X综合征患者心血管自主神经系统存在交感和副交感神经的失平衡现象。

    Conclusion : These findings suggested that there is abnormal autonomic influence on the cardiovascular system in patients with X syndrome .

  4. SST可以同时给出交感和副交感神经功能的资料。

    SST can offer information of parasympathetic and sympathetic activity synchronously .

  5. 心率的变化是交感神经(SNS)和副交感神经(PNS)拮抗作用的结果。

    HRV is the result of antagonistic effect of SNS and PNS .

  6. 他们还测量了控制心率节律的交感神经与副交感神经平衡的&心率自主调节(CAM)。

    They also measured cardiac autonomic modulation ( CAM ), the balance of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic control of the heart rate rhythm .

  7. 鸡胸腺副交感神经的支配&CBHRP法研究

    The Parasympathetic Innervation of the Thymus in the Chicken : a Study with CB-HRP Method

  8. 去甲肾上腺素(NE)和乙酰胆碱(ACh)分别是传统的交感神经和副交感神经递质。

    The NE and ACh are the traditional transmitters of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems respectively .

  9. 随着病情的缓解,LF、HF逐渐升高,LF/HF逐渐降低,交感神经和副交感神经之间的平衡逐渐恢复。

    During the convalescence , HF and LF increased and LF / HF decreased gradually , the balance between sympathetic activity and parasympathetic activity recov - ered .

  10. 心动周期信号(HPS)具有混沌特征,携带有自主神经功能信息。HPS的功率谱分析可以定量地评价交感、副交感神经活动的强弱及其相互作用。

    The heart period signal ( HPS ) has chaotic characteristics and it carries information about auto-nomic nervous system funtion .

  11. 结论:1、2型糖尿病患者HRV各项指标的数值明显降低,提示糖尿病交感-副交感神经平衡协调能力下降。

    Patients with type 2 diabetes HRV index numerical decreases obviously , which suggests that the sympathetic-parasympathetic nerve balance coordination ability of the diabetes decrease .

  12. 通过抑制或刺激M3受体可以控制由副交感神经节后纤维所支配的效应器细胞所在器官的平滑肌收缩和腺体分泌。

    By inhibiting or stimulating M3 receptor , the smooth muscle contraction and gland secretion can be controlled by effector cells which are located at postganglionic parasympathetic nerve fiber .

  13. 心率变异性(HRV)是指窦性心律在一定时间内周期性改变的现象,是反映交感和副交感神经张力及其平衡的重要指标。

    Heart rate variability ( HRV ) , referring to the phenomenon that heart rate range regularly within a certain period , is the indices of sympathetic and para-sympathetic activity .

  14. 目的探讨人淋巴组织中乙酰胆碱受体α3(AChRα3)亚基mRNA的表达及副交感神经系统对免疫系统作用的物质基础。

    Objective To explore the expression of α 3 subunit mRNA of acetylcholine receptors ( AChR ) in human lymphoid tissue and the effect of the neuroendocrine parasympathetic system on the immune system .

  15. 深呼吸运用到我们的副交感神经反应功能,能够使我们冷静下来,Reiman表示。

    Deep breathing engages our parasympathetic reaction , which calms us down , Reiman says .

  16. 副交感神经系统主要作用是促进胃肠运动,起源于脑干的迷走神经运动背核(DMV)。

    The parasympathetic innervation mainly originates in the middle and caudal parts of the dorsal motor nucleus of the nervus vagus ( DMV ) .

  17. 结果①GERD患者中自主神经功能异常者达59.5%,尤以副交感神经受累为著;

    Results ① 59.5 % of patients with GERD have abnormal ANF and the rate in GERD patients is much higher than that in healthy volunteers , parasympathetic nerve impairment is predominant .

  18. 结果提示:1.交感神经化学切除后大鼠心内神经节中NA、AChE活性和NPY出现不同的变化,体现了心脏交感神经和副交感神经的相互抑制作用;

    It suggested that 1 . After chemical sympathectomy different changes of NA , AChE activity and NPY were shown in rat intrinsic cardiac ganglion . It demonstrated that there was the reciprocal inhibitory action between cardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves ;

  19. 众多实验结果表明:大鼠RWIS状态下胃机能的改变主要是由于支配胃的副交感神经活动加强所致。

    Many evidence indicated that the gastric ulcer induced by the RWIS was mostly due to the hyperactivity of parasympathetic nerves that control the stomach .

  20. 最近我们运用规范化负荷诱发性心率变异性(HRV)研究方法证实了银屑病患者的副交感神经张力不足和交感神经兴奋性低下,也即表现为自主神经功能全面降低。

    Recently , we have confirmed the low level of psoriatic patients ' sympathetic nerve excitability and parasympathetic nerve tension by applying the evoked HRV standard successive load method , which also indicates the general decrease in the autonomic nerve functions .

  21. 凡影响HISS功能的因素,包括肝副交感神经、一氧化氮、谷胱甘肽、饮酒、高糖饮食等均可能引起HISS依赖的胰岛素抵抗。

    The release of HISS is influenced by hepatic parasympathetic nerves , nitric oxide , hepatic glutathione levels , alcohol and sucrose-rich diets and so on , which can lead to HISS-dependent insulin resistance .

  22. 此外,经典的交感神经、副交感神经系统和肠道自主神经系统ENS是重要的对调节肠道功能是重要的(3)。

    In addition to the classic sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomous nervous system , the enteric nervous system ( ENS ) is important for the regulation of enteric function ( 3 ) .

  23. 脑干是调节胃运动的基本中枢,迷走神经背核(dorsalmotornucleusofthevagus,DMV)是支配胃肠道副交感神经的主要中枢核团,经迷走神经传出,对胃肠活动进行调节。

    The gastric motility is mainly controlled by CNS ( central nervous system ) at the level of brainstem , through para - sympathetic and sympathetic ways . The pre-parasympathetic fibers concerned with gastrointestinal functions are mostly originated from DMV ( dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus ) .

  24. 由侧脑室注入TRH,使肝脏中ATP含量显著增加,且呈剂量&效应关系.此作用由于副交感神经的阻断剂阿托品的加入而消失。

    After the injection of TRH to the side of the ventricles of the brain , the ATP in the liver were increased obviously , but after adding of atropine which inhibits the parasympathetic nerve , shown a relation of dose-domino effect , this effect was not observed .

  25. 阿托品在血浆药物浓度较低时,表现为拟副交感神经效应;

    The parasympathomimetic effect appears when plasma concentration of atropine becomes lower .

  26. 交感/副交感神经递质在动脉粥样硬化病变发生中的研究

    Role and Mechanisms of Sympathetic / Parasympathetic Neurotransmitters in Atherogenesis

  27. 支配心脏的副交感神经发源于延髓的迷走神经核。

    The parasympathetic innervation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata .

  28. 副交感神经遮断断药阻断交感神经的手术。

    Surgical interruption of a nerve pathway in the sympathetic nervous system .

  29. 心室肌层的副交感神经支配&HRP-AChE结合法的研究

    Parasympathetic innervation of the ventricular myocardium : a study with hrp-ache combined method

  30. 胰岛素与胰岛素样生长因子在肝脏副交感神经反射中的作用

    The affection of insulin and igf - ⅰ in hepatic parasympathetic nerve reflex