
shǔ hǎi tún
  • porpoise;harbor porpoise;commom porpoise
鼠海豚[shǔ hǎi tún]
  1. 墨西哥努力拯救濒危的鼠海豚。

    Mexico strives to save endangered porpoise .

  2. 海豚和和鼠海豚有什么区别?

    What is the difference between a dolphin and a porpoise ?

  3. 现在,对过去十年中在英国各地被冲上岸的数百只港湾鼠海豚的研究,又引起了人们对雄性生殖能力的担忧。

    Now , research on hundreds of harbour porpoises washed up around the UK over the past decade raises concerns about male fertility too .

  4. 英国伦敦动物学会的科学家们表示,暴露在含有多氯联苯的环境下的港湾鼠海豚睾丸较小,这表明多氯联苯对其精子数和生殖能力有所影响。

    Scientists at the Zoological Society of London say harbour porpoises exposed to PCBs had smaller testicles , suggesting an effect on sperm3 count and fertility .

  5. 尽管在20世纪80年代,多氯联苯已被禁用,但这种化学物质需要很长时间才会分解,而且会滞留在海洋中,在鲸鱼、海豚和鼠海豚的鲸脂中积聚。

    They were banned in the 1980s , but the chemicals take a long time to break down and can linger in the oceans , accumulating in the blubber of whales , dolphins and porpoises1 .

  6. 路易·西霍尤斯(LouiePsihoyos)的奥斯卡获奖影片《海豚湾》(TheCove,2009)是关于日本捕杀海豚问题的,该片上映后,海豚与鼠海豚的捕杀量在一年内降低了1.7万头。

    After the release of Louie Psihoyos 's Oscar winner , " The Cove " ( 2009 ) , about the slaughter of dolphins in Japan , the number of dolphins and porpoises killed there fell by 17000 a year .

  7. 从那以后很久了,这些鼠海豚都没有离开过。

    The porpoises have not gone away long since .

  8. 一种从鼠海豚中提取的黄色脂油,用作优质润滑剂。

    A yellow fatty oil obtained from porpoises and used as a fine lubricant .

  9. 各种小牙齿、喙状吻的鲸,喙状吻;比鼠海豚大。

    Any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout ; larger than porpoises .

  10. 鼠海豚也是这情况吗

    Does the same go for porpoises ?

  11. 每年有超过30万的小鲸鱼、海豚以及鼠海豚因为商业捕鱼而死。

    More than 300 thousand small whales , dolphins and die due to commercial fishing each year .

  12. 每年都有30多万头小鲸鱼、小海豚还有鼠海豚因为商业捕捞而丧生。

    More than 300 thousand small whales , dolphins and porpoises die due to commercial fishing each year .

  13. 利用该关系式,首次推测白胸拟鼠海豚的最大潜水持续时间为11.85min。

    Using this correlation , the maximum duration of dives of Dall 's porpoise was estimated as 11.85 min.

  14. 大型水生食肉哺乳动物,前肢象鳍、无后肢,包括:;鲸;海豚;鼠海豚;独角鲸。

    Large aquatic carnivorous mammal with fin-like forelimbs no hind limbs , including : whales ; dolphins ; porpoises ; narwhals .

  15. 在18世纪,鼠海豚被描述为非常普遍的,他们有时使海水变黑,因为它们生长是靠喘气。

    In the18th century , porpoises were described as so common they sometimes darkened the sea as they rose to draw breath .

  16. 鼠海豚是此时还不是全意识海豚的较小版本,但正努力提升到2050年实现全意识。

    Porpoise is a smaller version of dolphin that is not fully conscious at this time , but striving to become so in the attainment of initiations by2050 .

  17. 这个公园里有座头鲸、鼠海豚、驼鹿、黑熊、棕熊、北美野山羊,山顶最高峰有15000英尺。

    This park is home to humpback whales , harbor porpoises , moose , black and brown bears , mountain goats , and mountain peaks that top 15000 feet .