
xiǎo yè yánɡ
  • small-leaf poplar
  1. 根据群体遗传结构的变异模式,将Ⅰ-69杨×小叶杨和Ⅰ-69杨×欧洲黑杨F1无性系的年生长进程划分为早中后三个时期。

    × On the basis of variation patterns of genetic structure of populations , the annual growth process was classed into early , intermediate and later three periods in I-69 poplar × Simon poplar and I-69 poplar × Nigra poplar F1 clones .

  2. 研究表明,Ⅰ-69杨×小叶杨和Ⅰ-69杨×欧洲黑杨F1无性系在最早生根时间、主根数、主根总长度和侧根数等方面均存在极显著差异。

    The results indicated that there are highly significant differences in the earliest date of rooting , number of main roots , sum of the lengths of main roots and number of lateral roots in 1-69 poplar × Simon poplar F1 clones and 1-69 poplar × Nigra poplar F1 clones .

  3. 青海小叶杨物候变化及其对气候变化的响应

    Changes of the Phenological Phase of Populus tomentosa and its Response to Climate Change

  4. 通过研究表明,不同类型植被减少径流和泥沙的功效不同,东坡不同类型植被小区径流深由大到小的顺序为:荒坡>沙棘(平茬)>沙棘+小叶杨>农地;

    The research results have showed that the efficacy of vegetation decreasing runoff and sediment was different with vegetation types .

  5. 氮、磷、钾或氮、磷配合施用效果为最好,因施用钾肥对小叶杨苗木影响不明显,但它与氮、磷配合施用却显示出了积极的效果。

    Only with K fertilizer the fertilization effect is not obvious . But it is good when K mixed with P and N.

  6. 以青海省4个农气观测站的小叶杨物候期及气候资料,分析了小叶杨物候期变化及其对气候变化的响应。

    Based on the phenological phase change of Populus tomentosa in 4 observation stations in Qinghai during 1987-2003 , its response to climate change were analyzed .

  7. 生物复合肥料、菌剂和保水剂均显著提高白榆、小叶杨、刺槐、栾树树高和胸径的年净生长量,但保水剂的提高程度最高。

    Biological compound fertilizers , biopreparate , absorbent polymer can increase the DBH and height net growth of per year , but effect degree of absorbent polymer is the highest .

  8. 小叶杨在生长季的蒸腾耗水量为40.7mm,其林分总蒸散量为296.1mm,各占同期降水量234.8mm的17.3%和126%。

    The water consumption through tree transpiration and by the plantation evapotranspiration accounted for 17.3 % and 126 % of the rainfall of 234.8 mm during the growing season , respectively .