
  1. 考虑到以前3000~30000t经验算法往往被不正确地用在小船上,文中提供一个新的经验算法可将应用界限扩展到小如50t的SWATH船。

    Considering that the previous empirical algorithms in the 3 000 to 30 000 t range have frequently been misapplied to smaller SWATH ships , the paper describes an alternative algorithm that extends the bounds of applicability down to vessels as small as 50 t.

  2. 即便是小如尘埃的物体,太阳紫外线也不见得能将菌落全数歼灭。

    Even within an object as small as a dust particle , solar UV would not necessarily render an entire microbial colony sterile .

  3. 柜台上面闪着红光,是粗大的排队号码,可是我总是觉得,这些豆大的号码对一些老人来说,其实还是小如芝麻。

    The numbers are flashing boldly in red , but I think for those old folks , they are still as small as sesame .

  4. 面积小如长洲,莫名奇妙的有上数十间理发店,而且数目还在持续增加中!这真是小岛最大的不解之谜。但像这「丽新电发」这样老式格局的,其实也所剩无几了。

    One of the biggest mysteries in Cheung Chau-there are at least a few dozens barber shops in this small island , and the number is continuously increasing !

  5. 家禽在屠宰的前24小如曾有途取得食物或曾被,不得被屠宰。

    Poultry shall not be slaughtered if it has had access to food or has fed during the twenty-four hours immediately preceding the time of its intended slaughter .

  6. 这些卡片带来了某些烦恼,因为小如它们,仍有好些插不进去的家庭。

    And there was a certain vexation attendant upon these cards ; for , small as they were , there were houses in which they could not be inserted .

  7. 在采矿工程中应用旋转钻机已有多年的历史,但多数是应用在井下煤矿、且钻孔直径很小如煤矿电钻等。

    Rotary drill has been used in mining engineering for many years , but most used as drilling machine applied to underground coal mine with relatively small hole diameter , such as electric drill used in coal mine .

  8. 开采出来的碳不同,所得的回报也是天壤之别&一公吨煤能卖差不多120美元,而同等价钱的钻石却小如米粒,不细找压根就发现不了。

    THE rewards for digging carbon out of the ground differ wildly . A tonne of coal fetches around $ 120 . A diamond for the same price would be so small you 'd probably never find it in the first place .

  9. 小竞争者如USCellular和MetroPCS得以抢购这些资产,在这些地区壮大。

    This has allowed smaller competitors such as US Cellular and MetroPCS to snap up the assets , turning them into stronger rivals in those areas .

  10. P的算值随波数的增多而趋小,如二波的小于一波的,三波的小于二波的;

    The calculated value of P decreases with the increase of the number of waves , e.g. , P in the case of two waves is smaller than that of one wave , P of three waves smaller than two waves , etc.

  11. gingerhotels计划在加尔各答及小城市如普那、迈索尔(mysore)和本地治理(pondicherry)等地附近开办新的酒店。

    Ginger hotels plans new hotels near Kolkata and smaller cities such as Pune , Mysore and Pondicherry .

  12. 信号从细胞表面传到细胞核是经由“第二信息子”完成的,这种信息子可以是胞内蛋白或小分子如环状AMP、肌醇磷酸盐或钙离子。

    The relaying of the signal from the cell surface to the nucleus is mediated by second messengers , which can be intracellular proteins or small molecules such as cyclic AMP , inositol phosphate , or calcium ions .

  13. 这个奇特的4引脚的小东西如图6所示。

    This tiny four-pin wonder is shown in Figure 6 .

  14. 制作小食品如月饼、锅巴、饼干等。

    For making snacks such as monthcake , rice crust biscuit , etc.

  15. 我的小筏子如不被驾驶,即会漂走。

    My raft drifts if it is not steered .

  16. 不同品种的大小不一,小者如豌豆,大者如柑橘。

    The different species range from pea-sized to orange-sized .

  17. 装置有各式小革新如自动升降窗的豪华昂贵汽车。

    A flashy expensive car with all sorts of gimmicks like self-winding windows .

  18. 小乌龟如能跑赢希腊传奇英雄阿喀琉斯?

    How could a humble tortoise beat the legendary Greek hero Achilles in a race ?

  19. 空中的小生物如蝴蝶;蜂雀在花丛中翩翩起舞;空气中的小微粒。

    Small aerial creatures such as butterflies ; the hummingbird 's aerial dance among the flowers ; aerial particles .

  20. 它们单独捕猎鼠类,兔子,鸟类等,有时也以其它的小猎物如鱼,青蛙,蚯蚓和垃圾等为食。

    They are solitary hunters that feed on rodents , rabbits , birds , small game-even fish , frogs , worms , and garbage .

  21. 这转译成匮乏的贫穷经历、感觉不适、制造某种小事故如身体一部分受伤或者产生和他人相处时的艰难时光。

    This translates into poverty experiences of lack , feeling ill or creating a minor accident of some sort injuring a part of the body ; or creating a difficult time with others .

  22. 重组专家报告称,来自外国客户的咨询意向激增,为如何应对人质事件提供指导的小企业如雨后春笋般在全国各地涌现出来。

    Restructuring specialists report a surge of interest in advice from foreign clients , and small businesses are sprouting up across the country offering guidance on how to deal with a hostage situation .

  23. 在完全非弹性碰撞中,总是失去动能,有时很小,如你所见;,有时极大,如此案例;,有时全部,如同此例。

    In completely inelastic collisions , you always lose kinetic energy ; sometimes a little , as you see there ;; sometimes a lot , as you see there ; sometimes everything , as you see there .

  24. 在Web页面中,各小部件具有如清单6所示的主干代码。

    Each widget has the skeletal code shown in Listing 6 in the Web page .

  25. 这三种小部件支持如启动进程、打开web页面进程等动作类型。

    These three widgets support action types such as launch process and open web page process .

  26. 这是一个获取计算机网卡详细信息的小程序,如读取MAC地址等。

    This is a computer card access to detailed information on small procedures , such as reading MAC address .

  27. 厌氧细菌发酵有机物产生CO2,H2和小有机酸如乙酸和甲酸。

    Anaerobic bacteria ferment organic matter producing CO2 , H2 and small organic acids such as acetic acid and formic acid .

  28. 对一些小分子,如FH,CH4等从n个修正价键基出发得到了近似程度较高的ρ1。

    For some small molecules , such as FH , CH_4 * . , well approximation are obtained from n modified valence bonds .

  29. 据彼得森,小分子抑制剂如IPA-3等,是很有希望的发现药物的工具。

    According to Peterson , small molecule inhibitors such as IPA-3 , are promising tools for drug discovery .

  30. 这样制备的壳聚糖/海藻酸钠微胶囊可自发包埋带正电荷的小分子物质如罗丹明6G。微胶囊的体外细胞培养显示出其具有良好的生物相容性。

    The microcapsules thus fabricated could be spontaneously filled with positively charged low molecular weight substances such as rhodamine 6G and showed good biocompatibility as detected by in vitro cell culture .