
  • 网络Fiction Story
  1. 这部小说故事性很强。

    The novel has a strong plot .

  2. RonJeffries最近根据他观察的现实中的团队,开始撰写一系列的小说故事。

    Ron Jeffries has started writing a series of fictional stories based on his observation of real teams .

  3. 这是经典的科幻小说故事,有着英国科幻小说大师阿瑟·C·克拉克(ArthurC.Clarke)的风格,刘慈欣说,自己从小就看克拉克的小说。

    It is a classic science-fiction story in the style of the British master Arthur C. Clarke , whose work Mr. Liu says he grew up reading .

  4. 在光荣的行动中表现出品格是美国最后一位理直气壮的WASP作家路易斯・奥金克洛斯(LouisAuchincloss)小说故事中的核心思想。

    Character embodied in honorable action is at the heart of the novels and stories of Louis Auchincloss , America 's last unembarrassedly WASP writer .

  5. 但这听来就像是法国小说家巴尔扎克的一部小说故事。

    But this sounds like a story by the great French novelist , Balzac .

  6. 在维多利亚时代她的小说故事被加入了魔法元素;

    The Victorians saw magic in her stories ;

  7. 小说故事从13岁的查丽展开,查丽马上就要初中毕业了,但是留下很多不好的记忆。

    The story opens as Charlie , 13 , leaves middle school-and some bad experiences-behind her .

  8. 第四章是对明代文言鬼小说故事类型的分析。

    The fourth chapter is the Ming Dynasty classical " ghost novel " Story type of analysis .

  9. 三部作品曲篇幅巨大,小说故事的历史跨度较长,涉及人物众多,塑造了几个经典人物形象。

    The story of the novels over a long history involves numerous figures and shaped a few classic characters .

  10. 本文的创新点就在于,文章并不满足于分析得出这样的结论,而是对这一现象即欧洲当代小说故事性淡化和中国当代小说还在讲故事的原因分别进行了探析。

    The innovation of this paper is not content to conclude that , but analyze the causes of this phenomenon .

  11. 很少的科学小说故事描绘人类像一个消极的人种,允许自然潮水的力量淹没镇静。

    Very few science fiction stories picture humanity as a passive species , allowing the tidal forces of nature to flow unperturbed .

  12. 这种意念把戏看上去也许不可信,好像是深夜科幻电影或者旧喜剧小说故事里的场景。

    This mind-power trick may seem far-fetched , like something from a late-night science fiction movie or the back of an old comic book .

  13. 布朗:美国幽默作家,在他讲述巡回演出人的小说故事中,用偏远落后地区的人物和方言来评论时事。

    Browne : american humorist who used backwoods characters and local dialect to comment on current events in his fictional tales of an itinerant showman .

  14. 本论文从“围城”外和“围城”内的民俗心理冲突出发,来分析它们对小说故事情节和人物命运的影响,进而对小说主题进行重新解读;

    With an analysis of the influence of the folk psychological conflicts upon the plots and characters in Besieged Fortress , this paper makes a new interpretation of the novel .

  15. 良秀之女形象是小说故事情节展开的中心,有着非常重要的地位和意义。

    When drawing a Jigokuhen Hell Screen under orders , The character of Liangxiu 's daughter , as the center of the plot , plays a very important role in the whole story .

  16. 作者以写明信片的手法,把都市里既疏离又亲近的人际关系现象藉小说故事呈现出来。

    In this story , the author Ye Si captures the kind of detached yet intimate interpersonal relationships of city people by way of presenting the story in the form of postcard writing .

  17. 科学小说故事的英雄--新的神话的上帝--勇敢地与黑暗抗争,不管它是整个行星的地质毁灭还是贪婪的政客的邪恶。

    The heroes of science fiction stories the gods of the new mythology struggle manfully against the darkness , whether it 's geological doom for the whole planet or the evil of grasping politicians .

  18. 为了自由地对小说故事和人物内心进行分析,德波顿将作品中的叙述者和自己同构,直接与读者沟通,向读者展示其小说中的理念。

    In order to analyze the story and the innermost feelings of people , Botton supposes that he is the narrator and communicate with the readers directly , presenting the readers his concept of his novel .

  19. 尽管小说故事背景设置在一个不存在的时代和王国,但主人公阿南的追寻之旅却代表着现代人在心路上求索的普遍经历。

    In spite of the story happen in nonexistent age and kingdom , but the dramatics personae-A nan 's way of purse stand for common live of the modern people 's explore on the heart way .

  20. 通过分析我们得出:欧洲当代小说故事性淡化的确是顺应了时代的需求,能够更好地表达当代人的生活现状,是文学现代性的表现。

    Can be drawn by analyzing that contemporary Western novels diluting narrative is conform to the needs of the times , better able to express the contemporary state of human life , is the performance of modern literature .

  21. 畲族民歌的内容非常丰富,可分为成儿歌、历史传说歌、情歌、婚俗歌、劳动歌、小说故事歌、时政歌、杂歌、丧俗歌等九种。

    The She folk songs content is extremely rich , can be divided into nursery rhyme , legend songs , love songs , marriage customs songs , labor songs , story songs , politics songs , miscellaneous songs and funeral songs .

  22. 虽然1942年首印时的题名《去吧,摩西及其他故事》违反作者本意,却首先让评论家将其归类为短篇小说故事集。

    When first published in 1942 with the title of Go Down , Moses and Other Stories , it was considered as a collection of seven short stories . This shocked the author as he had the least intention to have it so understood .

  23. 一方面,考察了佛寺这一宗教活动场所与唐人小说故事来源的关联,认为在唐人小说创作尤其是一些带有佛教辅教色彩的小说中,不少故事的素材来源都与佛寺或寺僧有关;

    On one hand , it investigates the relationship between these religious places and story source of Tang novels , concluding that in Tang novels , especially those which have Buddhist shade , a lot of source materials are related to Buddhist temples or monks .

  24. 这部小说的故事发生在18世纪的英格兰。

    This novel is set in the 18th century England .

  25. 大部分科幻小说的故事都是以未来为背景的。

    Most science fiction stories are set in the future .

  26. 她写的77部小说与故事集仍然还都在出版。

    All77 novels and story collections she wrote are still in print .

  27. 她的经历对我来说,就像是小说的故事情节一样。

    Her story was like something out of the novels I had started reading .

  28. 穿行于解构与建构之间&鲁迅小说《故事新编》的后现代主义解读

    Traversing · between Deconstruction and Construction & Postmodernism view of the Story Newly Organized

  29. 短篇小说成套故事:一种独特的文学样式

    Short Story Cycle as a Unique Genre

  30. 《中国文学》向读者介绍当代中国的小说、故事、戏剧、诗歌和报告文学。

    Chinese Literature Brings you contemporary Chinese novels , stories , plays , and reportage .