
  • 网络Small stars;substellar
  1. 小秘密就像小恒星会随着时间而冷却。

    Small secrets , like small stars , cool with time .

  2. 这颗行星可能正环绕着一颗小恒星运行。

    The planet is probably in orbit around a small star .

  3. 一个小质量恒星形成区的物理和动力学性质

    Physical and Dynamical Properties of a Low-Mass Star-Forming Region

  4. 开普勒62e和开普勒62f体积较小,它们围绕着一颗比太阳小的恒星公转。

    Kepler 62e and 62f are smaller , and orbit a star smaller than the sun .

  5. 大质量恒星发出紫外光和蓝光,而小质量恒星则发出黄光与红光。

    High-mass stars emit ultraviolet and blue light , whereas low-mass stars emit yellow and red light .

  6. 当地球经过的恒星,它会导致小减少恒星的亮度。

    As the planet passes by the star , it causes a small decrease in the star 's brightness .

  7. 这个很有趣的结果指出,大质量恒星爆炸所产生的碎片云,其外观和某些小质量恒星所产生的行星状星云相似。

    The intriguing result implies that the massive star 's explosion has produced a shape similar to what is seen in some planetary nebulae associated with lower mass stars .

  8. 考虑了重元素扩散效应之后可以使恒星的结构演化模型更加完善,这不仅对小质量恒星的研究有重要的影响,同时对研究整个恒星结构演化中的物理问题也具有一定的意义。

    Considering the heavy element diffusion , it could perfect the stellar structure models . It is important to study the physical problems about the stellar structure and evolution not only for low-mass stars but also for all the stars .

  9. 近红外变源IRAS04000+5052为一小尺度致密恒星形成区

    The Near-Infrared Variable Source IRAS 04000 + 5052is a Small , Compact Star Forming Region

  10. 开普勒-62F行星是一个比地球大1.4倍的岩石世界,它围绕着一颗比太阳小且暗的恒星运动。

    Kepler-62f is a rocky world 1.4 times bigger than earth and circles a star smaller and dimmer than the sun .