
  • 网络small garden
  1. 对市内小游园的近期需求为100个左右;

    About 100 recreational garden are needed in resent years .

  2. 慕尼黑奥林匹克村小游园,联邦德国

    Forum of Olympic Village , Munich , FRG , 1971 & 1972

  3. 关于城市小游园设计的探讨

    About city small park design

  4. 小游园的设计必须预见到人在一定环境中的行为模式,分析这种模式,是进行小游园设计的依据。

    Small park design must foresee people 's behavior pattern in certainty environment . To analyze such behavior pattern is gist to design small park .

  5. 居住区绿地,保留居住区的自然要素,建设居住区公园或小游园、屋顶绿化、墙体绿化等。

    Building inhabitant region land system with keeping natural elements , planning inhabitant region park 、 street green land 、 roof park 、 wall park etc.

  6. 本文以西安市建成区内的城市公园、小游园、开放式广场等为主要绿地植物景观作为研究对象。

    In this paper , green plants landscape of City Park , small parks , and open squares in the area of Xi ' an city is the main object of study .

  7. 论文首先对城市街旁绿地的概念作了阐述,根据城市街旁绿地的位置和形态将其分为道路绿化带、街旁带状绿地、街旁小游园、街道广场绿地以及建筑前庭绿地五类。

    The article expounds the conception of city roadside greenbelt at first . The roadside greenbelt is divided into five parts on the basis of the location and form : road-greenbelt , roadside zonal greenbelt , roadside pleasance , city plaza near the road , buildings ' atria .