
xiǎo tí qín jiā
  • violinist
  1. 他被称为世界上最杰出的小提琴家。

    He has been described as the world 's greatest violinist .

  2. 包厢内的观众为那位著名的小提琴家热烈鼓掌。

    The boxes warmly applauded the famous violinist .

  3. 小提琴家被朱莉娅深深地打动了。

    The violinist was deeply moved by Julia .

  4. 不论以什么标准看,她都是伟大的小提琴家。

    She 's a great violinist by any standard .

  5. 通过与姐姐——小提琴家郑京和(Kyung-whaChung)与大提琴家郑明和(Myung-whaChung)——表演三重奏,他崭露头角,后来又在国际上开始了音乐指挥生涯。

    He rose to prominence while playing in a trio with his sisters - the violinist Kyung-wha Chung and the cellist Myung-wha Chung - before embarking on an international conducting career .

  6. 佩钦科出生于西伯利亚(Siberia)鄂木斯克(Omsk)。18岁那年,由于身为小提琴家的父亲在奥地利(Austria)的地方管弦乐团谋了份差事,他们举家移民至奥地利。

    Mr. Petrenko was born in Omsk in Siberia and immigrated at the age of 18 with his family to Austria , where his father , a violinist , got a post with a provincial orchestra .

  7. 这个方法最初由小提琴家铃木镇一(ShinichiSuzuki)在20世纪30年代提出。它主张,所有小孩都能学会演奏乐器,就像他们学会讲自己的母语一样。

    Originally conceived in the 1930s by the violinist Shinichi Suzuki , the Suzuki Method proposes that all children can learn to play an instrument as naturally as they learn to speak their native language .

  8. 我妈妈是一个音乐会的小提琴家,他组织她的音乐会。

    My mother was a concert pianist * He managed her concerts .

  9. 人们从四面八方赶来听这位著名小提琴家的演奏。

    People come from far and near to hear the famous violinist .

  10. 不是像小提琴家,还需要练习的。

    It 's not like being a violinist , where you practice .

  11. 他梦想有朝一日成为着名的小提琴家。

    He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist .

  12. 我们赞赏小提琴家抑扬顿挫的演奏。

    We admired the definition of the violinist 's playing .

  13. [4]仅仅想当一名伟大的小提琴家是远远不够的。

    It 's not enough to want to be a great violinist .

  14. 另外不会有好的小提琴家会买新的提琴。

    And by the way , no good musicians buy new violins .

  15. 那个小提琴家奏起滑音来很从容。

    The violinist was indulgent with his swoops and slides .

  16. 这位小提琴家像着魔似地演奏小提琴。

    This violinist played like a man possessed by devils .

  17. 一位世界闻名的小提琴家将在今晚的音乐会上演奏。

    A world-famous violinist is playing at tonight 's concert .

  18. 这个家族每一代都有伟大的小提琴家。

    There has been an unbroken chain of great violinists in the family .

  19. 那位小提琴家走上台,二重奏变成了三重奏组。

    The violinist walked on the stage and the duo became a trio .

  20. 维瓦尔第是巴洛克末期意大利著名作曲家、小提琴家。

    Vivaldi is the famous Italian composer and violinist on last baroque period .

  21. 他曾希望做一名有成就的小提琴家。

    He had hoped to succeed as a violinist .

  22. 昨天晚上,小提琴家做了一场精彩非凡的演出。

    The violinist gave an extraordinary performance last night .

  23. 明天我要去听一位著名小提琴家举办的音乐会。

    I am going to see a concert tomorrow by a famous violinist .

  24. 我认识一位小提琴家,他告诉我他无法作曲。

    I know a famous violinist who told me that he can 't compose .

  25. 能得到这么著名的小提琴家的指教真是莫大的荣幸。

    It would be a privilege to be taught by such a famous violinist .

  26. 意大利的裁缝、铁匠、小提琴家都将在展馆露上一把。

    Italian tailors , blacksmiths and violinists will show off their craft at the pavilion .

  27. 那小提琴家以辉煌的成就完成演出。

    The violinist performed with rare eclat .

  28. 某著名小提琴家的年轻门生

    A young protege of a famous violinist

  29. 你也得热爱艰苦长期的训练,这样才能成为小提琴家。

    You also have to like the hard and long training before you become one .

  30. 这位小提琴家的弓法极好。

    The violinist 's bowing is excellent .