
  • 网络peter pettigrew
  1. 这第二次预言在当天晚上实现了,化装成老鼠的小矮星彼得逃走去阿尔巴尼亚寻找被击败的伏地魔。

    This second prophecy came true that evening when Peter Pettigrew , who had been masquerading as a rat , escaped and went to Albania to find the vanquished Voldemort .

  2. 他们用赤胆忠心咒来隐藏自己,可他们选择了小矮星彼得来当保密者。他是个为伏地魔效忠的间谍,后来出卖了他们。

    They used the Fidelius Charm to hide themselves , but the person they chose as Secret Keeper , Peter Pettigrew , was actually a spy for Voldemort and betrayed them .

  3. 他肯定不知道这个预言指的是小矮星彼得。

    He certainly could not have known that the prophecy meant Peter Pettigrew .

  4. 我们会进一步了解小矮星彼得以及他的下落。

    We 'll find out more about Peter Pettigrew and what happened to him .

  5. “第二次”他们看见卢平、罗恩和小矮星彼得从柳树下面的洞里笨拙地钻出来。

    They saw Lupin , Ron and Pettigrew clambering awkwardly out of the hole in the roots .

  6. 既然说:“没有一个后来变坏的男女巫师不是从斯莱特林出来的,神秘人就是其中的一个。”那么小矮星彼得也一定是斯莱特林咯?

    It says that " there wasn 't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn 't from slytherin . " so that must mean that Peter Pettigrew was in slytherin , right ?

  7. 盘子尤其向阿尼马格斯人物形象詹姆·波特、小天狼星布莱克、小矮星彼得和莱姆斯·卢平致敬,他们都是活点地图的原创者。

    In particular , the plate nods to the Animagus forms of characters James Potter , Sirius Black , Peter Pettigrew , and Remus Lupin , otherwise known as the original creators of the Marauder 's Map .