
  • 网络Quidditch;Quiddich
  1. 专业的组织者叫做国际魁地奇协会。

    The professional organization is called the International Association of quidditch .

  2. 回到魁地奇球场感觉真好。

    It felt wonderful to be back on the Quidditch field .

  3. 《Insider》称,罗琳还用小屋所在街道的名字给参加魁地奇比赛的特兹丘龙卷风队命名。

    Rowling also got the name for the Quidditch team Tutshill Tornados from the name of the house 's street , according to Insider .

  4. 当哈利粗暴地摇醒他时,他嘴里嚷嚷着一些魁地奇比赛犯规之类的话。

    He shouted something about Quidditch fouls when Harry roughly shook him awake .

  5. 奥利弗伍德:魁地奇的规则还是蛮好懂的。

    Oliver wood : quidditch is easy to understand .

  6. 自从魁地奇比赛之后,马尔福比以前更加阴沉了。

    Malfoy had been even more unpleasant than usual since the Quidditch match .

  7. 大家好,欢迎观看霍格沃茨本学期首场魁地奇比赛。

    Hello . Welcome to Hogwarts ' first Quidditch game of the season .

  8. 但我从来没打过魁地奇,

    But I 've never even played the Quidditch .

  9. 魁地奇很简单,每支队伍有7个队员。

    Quidditch is easy enough to understand . Each team has seven players .

  10. 因为伍德强迫他们抓紧每分钟训练魁地奇。

    what with all the last-minute Quidditch practice Wood was making them do .

  11. 而且我赢了魁地奇杯。

    And I 'm holding the Quidditch Cup .

  12. 来这里领取魁地奇世界杯时间表!

    Get your Quidditch World Cup programs here !

  13. 他们就为这个放弃了精彩的魁地奇比赛?

    And for this they gave up quidditch ?

  14. 每年都会举行魁地奇世界杯比赛,去年由澳大利亚赢得冠军。

    The Quidditch World Cup takes place annually and was won last year by Australia .

  15. 从楼上的窗口可以看见海格在魁地奇球场上给飞天扫帚除霜。

    Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch field ,

  16. 你一定是最年轻的魁地奇选手。百年来最年轻的,麦格说的。

    You must be the youngest Quidditch player in ... A century , McGonagall says .

  17. 不过,哈利作为一个世纪以来最年轻的魁地奇找球手,并不是徒有虚名的。

    Not for nothing , though , was Harry the youngest Seeker in a century .

  18. 但是那天魁地奇比赛上,斯内普想杀了我。

    But that day , during the Quidditch match , Snape tried to kill me .

  19. 但哈利的时间比他们俩更少,因为魁地奇训练又开始了。

    Harry had even less time than the other two , because Quidditch practice had started again .

  20. 他还不时地想到他今晚就要去训练的魁地奇球场。

    or straying off to the Quidditch field where he 'd be learning to play that night .

  21. 如果你模仿的是打魁地奇的哈利,那么别忘了哈利的猩红色斗篷。

    Tie a scarlet cape around your neck if you want to impersonate Harry as a Quidditch player .

  22. 星期六早晨,哈利很早就醒来了,又在床上躺了一会儿,想着即将到来的魁地奇比赛。

    Harry woke early on Saturday morning and lay for a while thinking about the coming Quidditch match .

  23. 当他们离开这家店的时候,他问道,“海格,什么是魁地奇?”

    When they had left the shop , he said , " Hagrid , what 's Quidditch ? "

  24. 到了十一点钟,似乎全校师生都来到了魁地奇球场周围的看台上。

    By eleven o'clock the whole school seemed to be out in the stands around the Quidditch pitch .

  25. 他想去把《魁地奇溯源》要回来,使自己的神经放松一下,不要老想着明天的比赛。

    He wanted Quidditch Through the Ages back , to take his mind off his nerves about tomorrow .

  26. 十一点钟渐渐临近了,全校师生开始前往魁地奇运动场。

    As eleven o'clock approached , the whole school started to make its way down to the Quidditch stadium .

  27. 奥利弗伍德今晚七点在魁地奇球场等你,给你上第一堂训练课。

    Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session .

  28. 魁地奇运动于2005年左右发源于美国,如今它已经成为了一项全球性运动,还有自己的管理机构。

    It started in the US around 2005 and has become a global sport with its own governing body .

  29. 他为自己感到非常羞愧,就去找到伍德,表示要退出魁地奇队。

    He felt so ashamed of himself that he went to wood and offered to resign from the Quidditch team .

  30. 赫敏还借给他一本《魁地奇溯源》,他发现这本书读起来非常有趣。

    She had also tent him Quidditch Through the Ages , which turned out to be a very interesting read .