
  • 网络little dorrit
  1. 物化的人性,交易本质的人际关系以及反讽式的进步社会共同构成了文本《小杜丽》中的异化世界。

    Objectification of humanity , equivalent exchanges of relationships and ironic social progress together make up the alienated world in Little Dorrit .

  2. 作为孩子,小杜丽在自己看成家的马夏西监狱里寻找安全感,并从那里的人身上获得了一种替代的母爱。

    Little Dorrit as a child seeks for a sense of security in the prison of the Marshalsea as her home and receives some substitute maternal love from the people there .

  3. 《大卫·科波菲尔》中的艾格尼斯、《荒凉山庄》中的艾斯特和《小杜丽》中的艾米这三位女主人公都是典型的维多利亚时代的家庭天使。

    For most part , the three female figures , Agnes in David Copperfield , Esther in Bleak House and Amy in Little Dorrit , are the emblems of the typical Victorian " angel in the house " .