
  • Britney Spears;SWEET;Candy Candy
  1. 这些主题使乡村音乐有别于诸如小甜甜与N-Sync的音乐。

    These themes set country music apart from the music of , say , Britney Spears or N-Sync .

  2. 的“小甜甜”的基础,如今称今年春天17美元在总资产。

    The Britney Spears Foundation as of this spring now claims $ 17 in total assets .

  3. 换句话说,只是比小甜甜布兰妮•斯皮尔斯担任两年《英国偶像》(TheXFactor)评委的收入高一点。

    Or , in other words , just more than Britney Spears will make for two years of judging the X factor .

  4. 沪江英乐讯MTV电视台即将播出一部长达90分钟的纪录片,以庆祝“小甜甜”布兰妮重返流行乐坛。

    MTV will air a90-minute documentary about Britney Spears 's return to the pop-music spotlight .

  5. 沪江英乐讯Jive唱片公司发布了流行女星&“小甜甜”布兰妮最新专辑《Circus》的封面照。

    Britney Spears and Jive Records have released a photo of the pop stars new Circus album cover .

  6. 一名年轻的变性女子对NYDaily承认,他花了成千上万美金整容,就为了和小甜甜布莱尼长得像。

    A young transgender woman , confirmed to NY Daily that she dropped tens of thousands of dollars on plastic surgery in order to look like pop star Britney Spears .

  7. 而这番点评将她与小甜甜布兰妮(BritneySpears)、米莎•巴顿(MischaBarton)和阿曼达•拜恩斯(AmandaBynes)归到了一类。

    That puts her squarely in the company of Britney Spears , Mischa Barton and Amanda Bynes .

  8. 踏进餐厅,小甜甜布兰妮的“Everytime”这首歌正在偌大的正厅里播放着,我的耳朵立刻被这首歌前奏中竖琴的琴声给吸引了。

    Upon entering , my ears immediately latched onto the catchy harp introduction of Britney Spears 's " Everytime " pumping into the gargantuan main room .

  9. “小甜甜”布兰妮在检查不严和男朋友杰森Trawick停靠在拉斯维加斯表演给她的手掌在今夜!

    Check out Britney at LAX with boyfriend Jason Trawick enroute to her Las Vegas show at the Palms tonight !

  10. 网站Groupon折扣出售大量的门票几乎半价,在一些地区的国家,Groupon甚至没有卖掉他们为期一天的“小甜甜”布兰妮的节目提供。

    Discount website Groupon sold a large number of tickets at nearly half-price , and in some areas of the country , Groupon didn 't even sell out their one-day offers to Britney 's show .

  11. 现在,Diplo已经是最为炙手可热的音乐制作人,为小甜甜布兰妮、贾斯汀?比伯等众多流行歌手供曲。

    Today he 's one of the most in-demand producers in the game , furnishing beats for everyone from Britney Spears to Justin Bieber .

  12. “小甜甜”布兰妮Xtina甚至回应的善良的言语说她迫不及待地想看看她的新节目。

    Britney even responded to Xtina 's kind words saying she can 't wait to see her new show .

  13. 料想谈判结束,我听说Overstreet将像小甜甜布兰妮一样重复他的角色,这一定会在这一季第八集中开始塑造Sam(计划在12月上旬安排播出)。

    Assuming the deal closes and Im told it definitely will Overstreet will reprise his role as the sweet , sculpted Sam beginning with this seasons eighth episode ( tentatively scheduled to air in early December ) .

  14. SonuNigam印度歌手“小甜甜”布兰妮是他工作得做在他们最近的“我要去“混合的合作。

    Indian singer Sonu Nigam is stoked he worked with Britney on their recent " I Wanna Go " remix collaboration .

  15. 几年前,伊丽莎白o雅顿公司开始野心勃勃地进军名人香水市场推出小甜甜布兰妮、泰勒o斯威夫特和贾斯汀o比伯系列香水试图与科蒂集团(Coty)竞争。

    A few years ago , Elizabeth Arden got aggressive in the celebrity fragrance market its roster now includes fragrances by Britney Spears , Taylor Swift , and Justin Bieber in an attempt to go toe-to-toe with Coty COTY - 1.24 % .

  16. 几年前,伊丽莎白o雅顿公司开始野心勃勃地进军名人香水市场——推出小甜甜布兰妮、泰勒o斯威夫特和贾斯汀o比伯系列香水——试图与科蒂集团(Coty)竞争。

    A few years ago , Elizabeth Arden got aggressive in the celebrity fragrance market - its roster now includes fragrances by Britney Spears , Taylor Swift , and Justin Bieber - in an attempt to go toe-to-toe with Coty COTY - 1.24 % .

  17. 比利∶我有个惊喜给你,小甜甜。

    Billy : I have a surprise for you , cupcake .

  18. 喂,小甜甜,看我给你做的午饭!

    Hey Sweetie , see , I made lunch for you !

  19. 小甜甜布兰妮在强势复出,鲍威尔说。

    Britney Spears is on a huge comeback , Powell says .

  20. 这是“小甜甜”和丈夫费德林的第二个孩子。

    Spears'and Federline 's newborn is their second child together .

  21. 你没有想到这个吧,小甜甜。

    So you didn 't think this through , sweetheart .

  22. 亲笔签名的我有一张小甜甜布兰妮的签名唱片。

    autographed ( a. ) I have an autographed Britney Spears record .

  23. 写你的提案吧,小甜甜。我没车!

    Write a bill , Britney . I don 't have a car !

  24. 而且小甜甜布兰妮也是生于这种环境的呢。

    And this is exactly the kind of place Britney Spears is from .

  25. 谁说名人只崇尚奢侈名牌?小甜甜布兰妮用行动向大家证明即使是百万富翁也可以在廉价超市中选到自己心仪的东西!

    Britney Spears proves that even a multi millionaire celebrity loves a bargain .

  26. 我的小甜甜,要结婚了啊?

    My Britney , we should get married ah ?

  27. “小甜甜”布兰妮法官延迟要求球队决定开启法庭文件。

    Team Britney requested the judge delay the decision to unseal court documents .

  28. 本月,小甜甜布兰妮斯皮尔斯将会收到一份特别的结婚礼物。

    Britney Spears will receive a special wedding gift from her father this February .

  29. 哦,是小甜甜啊,请进。

    Xiao Tiantian , come in , please .

  30. 我有一张小甜甜布兰妮的签名唱片。

    I have an autographed Britney Spears record .