
xiǎo bái shǔ
  • mice;rat;Mus musculus;small white mouse;albino mouse
  1. 小白鼠生物样本中铂的测定方法研究

    The Research of the Methods of Determination of Pt in Bio-Samples of Small White Mouse

  2. 病毒血凝素为热不稳定型;能凝集0.7%马、牛、驴、猪、绵羊、鸡、兔、豚鼠、小白鼠及人O型血的红细胞。

    Hemagglutinin of the strain was unstable to heat . Red blood cells of horse , cattle , pig , donkey , pig , sheep , cock , rabbit , guinea pig , small white mouse and human O-type could be agglutinated by the isolate .

  3. 衰老过程中小白鼠脑组织DNA各组分含量的变化

    Change of DNA components of brain tissue during aging in mice

  4. 前列腺素E2对小白鼠蜕膜反应的抑制作用

    Inhibitory effect of prostaglandin e_2 on decidual cell reaction of mouse

  5. DNA对苯诱导小白鼠细胞染色体畸变的恢复效应

    Effect of Recovery of DNA on Chromosomal Aberration in Mice Cells Induced by Benzene

  6. 雄性小白鼠减数分裂中性染色体复制的规律&两条平行的DNA合成路线

    Replication of sex-chromosome in meiosis of male mice & the two parallel pathways of DNA synthesis

  7. 质子激发X射线分析测定患白血病小白鼠脏器中痕量元素

    Analysis of some trace elements in liver and spleen of leukemic mouse using proton-induced X-ray emission

  8. 小白鼠摄入VEVC对运动耐力提高的实验性探讨

    An experimental study on improving sport endurance of ve / vc intake of mice

  9. 小白鼠肌肉组织的NMR质子自旋交换分析

    NMR proton spin exchange analysis on healthy fresh mouse muscle tissues

  10. 小白鼠乳铁蛋白基因cDNA克隆及序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Lactoferrin cDNA from Mice

  11. X射线一次全身照射对小白鼠脊髓突触的影响

    Effects of a single dose of whole-body irradiation on the synapses of the spinal cord of mouse

  12. 猪胸腺素(F5)对小白鼠腹腔渗出液巨噬细胞cAMP含量的影响

    Effect of thymosin ( f_5 ) on camp of peritoneal exudate macrophages in mice

  13. 绵羊IgG和白术对小白鼠免疫机能的影响


  14. 我们选择了当小白鼠,32岁的陈中说。去年,在北京一家网络媒体公司担任首席市场官的他买了一辆特斯拉ModelS。

    We chose to be lab rats , said Chen Zhong , 32 , the chief marketing officer of an online media company in Beijing who bought a Tesla Model S last year .

  15. 鸡胚复方制剂对小白鼠生长、脾脏指数及血浆SOD和MDA的影响

    Chicken Embryo Compound Preparation on Mouse 's Growth , Spleen Index , SOD MDA plasma

  16. He-Ne激光照射对小白鼠抗体形成细胞的影响

    Effects of He-Ne laser irradiation on antibody forming cell in mice

  17. 本文用器官组织匀浆法计数小白鼠某些器官细胞核总数的方法,研究了X射线全身照射对这些器官的效应。

    The effect of whole body x-ray irradiation on the total number of nuclei of some mouse organs has been studied .

  18. 运动对小白鼠乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶的影响初探

    Effect of Sports on Lactate Dehydrogenase ( LDH ) Isozyme in a Mouse

  19. 人胎盘免疫调节因子对小白鼠SOD活性及LPO含量的影响

    Effects of Human Placental Immunoregulatory Factor on SOD Activity and LPO Content in Mouse

  20. 乌拉坦诱发Swiss种小白鼠肿瘤的观察

    Observation on Urethan-Induced Tumours in Swiss Mice

  21. 苯中毒小白鼠血液中SOD过氧化物酶GSH过氧化物酶变化的实验研究

    Experimental study on changes of SOD and glutathione peroxidase in blood of mice exposed to benzene

  22. 首乌提取液对小白鼠HDL中胆固醇含量的影响

    Effects of Extract of Polygonum multiflorum on HDL-C in Mice

  23. 组、C组小白鼠活动自如,食欲正常,未见毛发脱落;三项指标两组比较无显著性差异,P>0.05。

    In groups B and C , the activity and appetite were normal , little baldness occurred and3 blood indexes were not different significantly ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 本文报道了小剂量(0~1.0Gy)x射线单次全身照射雄性小白鼠诱发的精母细胞晚粗线期染色体畸变与显性致死间关系。

    The relationship between chromosomal aberration and dominant mutation in spermatocytes of late pachytene phase in male mice after a single X-irridiation was reported .

  25. 本文对苯中毒小白鼠血液中SOD、过氧化物酶、GSH过氧化物酶的变化进行了实验研究。

    The changes of SOD and glutathione peroxidase in blood of mice exposed to benzene were studied .

  26. 为观察急性苯中毒对小鼠骨髓细胞超微结构的影响,用BALB/c小白鼠做了急性毒性实验。

    The acute toxic effects of benzene to the ultrastructural changes in bone marrow cells of BALB / c mice were studied .

  27. EA(121)破乳剂诱发小白鼠骨髓细胞姐妹染色单体互换

    Experiment of demulsifier ae_ ( 121 ) inducing sister chromatid exchange of bone marrow cells in mouse

  28. Sheldon,你不能把我女朋友当作小白鼠对待。

    Sheldon , you can 't train my girlfriend like a lab rat .

  29. 热必宁能明显降低H3N2感染小白鼠的死亡率,对小白鼠流感病毒性肺炎有显著的治疗作用;

    It markedly decreased the mortality of mice infected by H_3N_2 and effectively treated the influenzal viral pneumonia of the mice .

  30. 抗老灵BG对老龄前后小白鼠肝脏的影响

    Effects of herb compound Kang Lao Lin BG on pre-old and old rat livers