
  1. 她最新的角色是即将上映的《艺妓回忆录》中的小百合。

    Her latest role will be as Sayuri in the upcoming movie Memoirs of a Geisha .

  2. 我在这个花园与黑眼的苏珊小百合调情多年,但是我确实没有足够的空间公正地对待它们。

    I have flirted with the Black-eyed Susans in this garden over the years , but I really don 't have the room to do them justice .

  3. 也许这种效应里面最重要的原理是,和母语相比,外语能触动的情感上的共鸣更少,研究人员早川小百合在一项陈述中讲道。

    Perhaps the most important mechanism for the effect is that a foreign language has less emotional resonance than a native tongue , study researcher Sayuri Hayakawa said in a statement .

  4. 从前,也不算太久之前,小菊和百合在医院里。

    Once upon a time , but not so long ago , Daisy and Lily were in the hospital .

  5. 结果(1)在小鼠强迫游泳试验和小鼠悬尾试验中小定志丸、小补心汤和百合地黄汤均显示抗抑郁活性;

    Results ( 1 ) Xiao Ding Zhi Wan , Xiao Bu Xin Tang and Bai He Di Huang Tang all exerted antidepressant effect in forced swimming test and tail suspension test in mice .

  6. 这是一款时尚现代的具有东方神韵的完美香水。闪烁的顶端就像一朵牡丹,小苍兰和亚马逊百合。

    This modern sheer oriental is the perfect balance of light , sparkling top notes like peony , freesia and Amazon lily .

  7. 随着丝绸扇的到来,在这种扇子上小女孩雪花为百合写了女书的诗歌前奏,她们的友谊封存起来,在风残的70岁她们成为了“老同”。

    With the arrival of a silk fan on which Snow Flower has composed for Lily a poem of introduction in nu shu , their friendship is sealed and they become " old sames " at the tender age of seven .