
xiǎo píng guǒ
  • Little Apple;griggles
小苹果[xiǎo píng guǒ]
  1. 一天,他的朋友给了农夫一棵小苹果树,让他带回家种。

    One day , his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it .

  2. 一天,农夫的朋友给了他一棵小苹果树,让他把它带回家种。

    One day , the farmer 's friend gave him a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it .

  3. 不知我们的“开心小苹果”何时能走出阴影?

    We have no idea when she will walk out of shadow .

  4. 当然这小苹果代表了一个大苹果(纽约别称)

    Yeah . That little apple represents the BIG Apple .

  5. 大苍蝇,如小苹果般大。

    Giant fly , as big as a small apple .

  6. 抗寒小苹果优异品种生物学研究评价及育种利用

    Evaluation on Characteristics of Four Varieties of Hardy Apple and Their Utilization in Breeding

  7. 据称,全球已经至少有5亿人收听过《小苹果》。

    According to Southern.com , the songhas been played to at least500 million listeners worldwide 。

  8. 只剩下小苹果了,我们把大苹果都吃完了。

    There are only small apples left , we have eaten all the big ones .

  9. 那是一个小苹果。

    That 's a small apple .

  10. 象小苹果的水果,用来做蜜饯。

    Crabapple-like fruit used for preserves .

  11. 我觉得小苹果很可爱。

    I think apple is cute .

  12. 小苹果城:这只狗狗身上驮着整个纽约城。

    Small Apple : This dog went all out by dressing up as New York City .

  13. 晚上回到家,我们的“开心小苹果”哭了,哭得好伤心呀。

    On arriving home in the evening , I saw " Happy Apple " crying , so desperately .

  14. “开心小苹果”慢慢的变得开朗起来,还说要送给林子礼物呢。

    " Happy Apple " becomes more and more cheerful gradually , saying to send a present to Linzi .

  15. 马丁·路德说:“即便世界明天就要毁灭,我仍然要种下一棵小苹果树”。

    If I knew that tomorrow was the end of the world , I would plant an apple tree today .

  16. 或者你可以切出一个小苹果勺直接从碗里吃杏仁酱。

    Or you can carve a little apple spoon and just eat the almond butter straight out of a bowl .

  17. 中国网络爆红歌手筷子兄弟在2014全美音乐奖现场表演他们的主打歌曲《小苹果》。

    China 's Internet singing sensation Chopsticks Brothers performed their viral hit Little Apple at the 2014 American Music Awards .

  18. “开心小苹果”这还是第一次恋爱,每天都对她的男朋友话不离口。

    It is the first love of " Happy apple ", so she almost speaks highly of her boyfriend every day .

  19. 那是基督的复活,其他人只是小苹果花,或没有熟的苹果。

    That 's Christ 's resurrection , but all the rest of us are just little apple blossoms , or little immature apples .

  20. 试试吃半个三明治和1杯或240毫升的牛奶或3块饼干、2盎司干酪和一个小苹果。

    Try half a sandwich and1 cup or240 milliliters of milk , or3 crackers , 2 ounces of cheese , and a small apple .

  21. 电影中,他们参加了一个美国音乐选秀节目并演唱了《小苹果》,他们的表现获得了评委们的一致认可。

    In the film , they sang Little Apple when they auditioned for an American music talent show and received a thumbs-up from the judges 。

  22. 据报道,中国内地组合筷子兄弟将在2014年的全美音乐奖上表演歌曲《小苹果》。

    China 's Internet singing sensationChopsticks Brothers will perform their viral hit Little Apple at the 2014 American MusicAwards , according to Southern . com 。

  23. 又是阳光很好的一天,让我继续充当主角讲述那可爱的“开心小苹果”的事情。

    It 's also a fine day today , then let me continue to tell you the things about our " Happy apple " . What will happen next ?

  24. 影片中他们在美国音乐选秀节目评委面前唱起《小苹果》,并获得好评。

    In the film , they sang Little Apple when they auditioned for an American music talent show and received a thumbs-up from the judges . Now , life is following art .

  25. 此前,《小苹果》已经席卷了中国的互联网,网络点击量已经达到5.79亿次,各大排行榜的点播数量也已达到8.23亿次。

    Little Apple has taken China 's Internet by storm . Its MP3 received 579 million hits and themusic video has been played 823 million times on China 's major music and videostreaming sites 。

  26. 春天就在这儿讲它的故事。它在一棵小苹果树上讲&这棵树有一根鲜艳的绿枝:它上面布满了粉红色的、细嫩的、随时就要开放的花苞。

    Under the little apple-tree , Spring seemed busy , and toldhis tale from one of the branches which hung fresh and blooming , and covered with delicate pink blossoms that were just readyto open .

  27. 经自然感病和人工接种证明,大、小苹果上的黑星病菌可以交互侵染,目前一些主栽的大苹果品种均能感染此病。

    It has been proved by natural infection and artificial inoculation that cross infection appeared between larger and smaller apple trees . Some mainly cultivars of larger apple trees can be infected by this disease .

  28. 酿酒品种与鲜食及制汁品种之间、我国小苹果与西欧小苹果之间有较大的遗传差异,而制汁品种与鲜食品种的遗传背景较为接近。

    There were much difference between cider and juice varieties , cider and fresh varieties as well as Chinese crab apple and western European crab apple , while juice and fresh varieties had similar genetic background .

  29. 哈里斯女士是在去旧金山过夜的路上送皮克尔斯过来的,她在我们家留了一会儿,看皮克尔斯和我女儿在院子里玩耍,皮克尔斯撕着树叶玩,还发现了之前从树上掉下来的绿色小苹果。

    Ms. Harris , on her way to San Francisco for the night , stayed for a while and watched Pickles and my daughter play in the yard as Pickles shredded some leaves and discovered the small green apples that had fallen from our trees .

  30. 磷与VA菌根真菌对小金海棠苹果苗生长及营养的影响

    Effects of Phosphorus Levels and VA Mycorrhizae on Growth and Mineral Contents of Apple Seedlings