
  1. 这些都是借口,女士们先生们。

    And they are excuses , ladies and gentlemen .

  2. 我知道我所说的都是借口罢了。

    I know all I have are excuses .

  3. 因为他们所说的所有东西都是借口。

    Because all they said are pretext .

  4. “我没有时间,我有家庭,当我有了足够的钱后我会去做的,等等”,这些都是借口。

    Alibis like " I don 't have time , I have family , I 'll do it when I have more money etc " .

  5. 但我觉得这些都是借口,我们应该注重健康,无论如何,身体是革命的本钱。

    Amy : But I think these can be seen as excuses , we should pay attention to our health , anyway , Health is the fundamentality of our body .

  6. 但随着年龄的增长,我越发觉得这些都是借口,懒惰的借口,尤其是这一刻,那些以往被认为是真理的字字句句,一瞬间变成笑料。

    But along with my age growing , I discovered all these are excuses , the excuses of laziness , especially the moment , all those words considered as the truths became the jokes at once .

  7. 与这两点原因比起来,恐怖主义与大规模杀伤性武器看起来都像是借口,而事实证明,这确实只是借口。

    Compared with the two points , both terrorism and mass destruction weapons seem like excuse , while it has been proved that they are really excuses .