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xiǎo zhuàn
  • Small Seal Script;a style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty for the purpose of standardizing the script;an ancient style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty (221-207B. C.)for the purpose of standardizing the script;Hsiao chuan--the lesser seal style Chinese character
小篆 [xiǎo zhuàn]
  • [an ancient style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty (221-207B. C.)for the purpose of standardizing the script;Hsiao chuan--the lesser seal style Chinese character] 指笔划较简的篆书

小篆[xiǎo zhuàn]
  1. 《峄山刻石》是秦篆(即小篆)的代表之作。

    The engravings on Mount Yi represent the typical style of qinzhuan calligraphy .

  2. 整条长龙是由微软雅黑和方正小篆体两种字体的文字组成。

    The dragon is composed of two fonts of Microsoft elegant black and Founder Xiaozhuan body .

  3. 汉字自产生之日起,至《说文解字》立为正体的小篆止,多数字的字形发生了或大或小的变化。

    From the emergence of Chinese character to the period of Xiaozhuan , many of character forms have changed .

  4. 在小篆被当作官方字体使用的同时,在民间又出现了由小篆草写形成的另一种字体,即隶书。

    While the used periods of the seal character , another kind of character form appeared in the folk , named official script .

  5. 废除了六国古文,在秦文字的基础上整理形成了统一的官方字体,即小篆。

    The emperor abolished the paleography in the former six countries , formed a consolidated official character based on the Qing characters named seal character .

  6. 本文对《说文解字》小篆中的对称字进行分类,探索它们的构形理据并以此管窥我国先民的审美心理。

    In this paper , symmetrical Chinese characters of Xiao Zhuan in Shuo Wen Jie Zi are classified to explore their basis of form and to apperceive aesthetic mentality of ancient chinese .

  7. 借助于大数定律、重复抽样方法和非线性回归方法,分别建立了金文、小篆、汉隶和宋楷几个具有代表性的、不同时代的汉字系统直接构件关系模型。

    By means of the law of large number , repeated sampling method and nonlinear regression method , the direct component models are built up for Bronze Inscription system , Seal Script system , Official Script system and Song Dynasty Regular Script system .

  8. 通遇比较分析,西汉初期文字与秦文字几乎没有区别,无论小篆还是隶书皆承秦文字,直到西汉中期以后,才出现新的燮化。

    Through comparative analysis , the Western Han Dynasty characters and Qin characters almost have no distinction . Not only Seal Script , but also Li Script inherits from Qin characters . Until the mid Western Han Dynasty , they have new change .

  9. 本文第一部分所以从义符所反映出的意义范畴入手,通过甲骨文、战国文字与《说文》小篆义符系统相比较的方法对战国文字的特点进行描述。

    The first part of the article starts with the meaning category reflected by meaning symbol to describe the trait of the Warring States character by comparing inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells , the Warring States character and 《 ShuoWen 》 seal system .