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  • picture;drawing;painting;plan;tableau;scheme
图画 [tú huà]
  • (1) [picture;drawing;painting]

  • (2) 绘画

  • (3) 用线条、色彩描绘出来的形象(如油画、素描或版画)

  • (4) 比喻壮丽的江山

  • (5) [tableau]∶生动的描写或形象的描绘

  • (6) [plan;scheme]∶谋划

图画[tú huà]
  1. 她教图画课。

    She gives lessons in drawing .

  2. 他喜欢编故事,为故事画图画,在图书馆里读许多书。

    He enjoyed himself by making up stories , drawing pictures for his stories and reading many books in the library .

  3. 图画前景中的人是画家的母亲。

    The figure in the foreground is the artist 's mother .

  4. 让儿童看图画有时有助于他们用言语表达思想。

    Showing children pictures sometimes helps them to vocalize their ideas .

  5. 小客栈坐落在河畔,构成一幅美丽的图画。

    The inn is picturesquely situated on the banks of the river .

  6. 文字和图画可以扫描进计算机。

    Text and pictures can be scanned into the computer .

  7. 我们下方是由田野、河流和林木交织成的图画。

    A mosaic of fields , rivers and woods lay below us .

  8. 墙上挂着一张花卉的图画。

    A picture of flowers hung on the wall .

  9. 我的滑稽图画把孩子们逗乐了。

    My funny drawings amused the kids .

  10. 过街地道里涂满了乱七八糟的图画和文字。

    The subway was covered in graffiti .

  11. 他利用半透明瓷漆绘制出鲜艳生动的图画。

    He relied on translucent enamels to produce vivid , glowing pictures .

  12. 她通过描摹旧故事书上的图画学会了画画。

    She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storybooks .

  13. 浅色是挂放图画或镜子很有效果的衬托。

    Light colours provide an effective backdrop for pictures or a mirror .

  14. 他们用游戏和图画来阐明他们的主题。

    They use games and drawings to illuminate their subject .

  15. 作者巧妙地构筑了一幅上流社会生活的背景图画。

    The writer builds up a clever contextual picture of upper class life .

  16. 较大的图画往往需要两三张胶片才能拍下来。

    Larger drawings tend to require two or three exposures to cover them .

  17. 我们可以把一些图画贴在那边的空白墙壁上。

    We could put some of the pictures over on that blank wall over there

  18. 如果你把图画安排得太有条理,就会看上去非常假,不够自然。

    If you arrange your picture too systematically the results can look very mannered and artificial .

  19. 观看一幅美丽的图画常使人心满意足。

    Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction .

  20. 晚霞恰如一幅图画。

    The sunset glow is just like a picture .

  21. 这个房间布满了图画和其他漂亮的装饰品。

    The room was full of pictures and other beautiful ornaments .

  22. 这张图画被钉子钉在墙上。

    The picture is attached to the wall by a nail .

  23. 她的书信描绘了她在缅甸生活的一幅绝妙图画。

    Her letters paint a wonderful picture of her life in burma .

  24. 那位老人站着凝视那幅图画。

    The old man stood contemplating the painting .

  25. 图画教学通过形象发展儿童认识事物的能力。

    The use of pictures in classroom teaching helps children to understand things through images .

  26. 迈克一天可完成三四张那样简单的图画。

    Mike can knock over three or four of those simple drawings in a day .

  27. 地毯也是绿颜色的,地毯上白色小兔在浓郁树荫中嬉戏的图画使人想到是受了威廉·莫利斯的影响。

    The green carpet , in the pattern of which pale rabbits frolicked among leafy trees , suggested the influence of williammorris .

  28. 这是本杰明第一次看到图画以及真正的颜料和画笔。

    These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had ever seen .

  29. 起初,书面汉语是一种以图画为基础的语言。

    At the beginning , written Chinese was a picture ﹣ based language .

  30. 一周后,莎莉把她的笔记和图画带给了爸爸。

    A week later , Sally brought her notes and drawings to Dad .