
tú shū
  • books;chart;seal;atlas;picture album
图书 [tú shū]
  • (1) [books]∶泛指书籍

  • 图书目录

  • (2) [atlas]∶图籍。指疆域版图与户籍等簿册

  • (3) [seal]∶指图章或图章的印记

  • 刻两方图书。--《儒林外史》

  • (4) [chart]∶指河图洛书

  • (5) [picture album]∶图册

图书[tú shū]
  1. 若能及时将图书归还图书馆,我们将不胜感激。

    We would appreciate the prompt return of books to the library .

  2. 这家公司得到了一份向学校供应图书资料的合同。

    The company has won a contract to supply books and materials to schools .

  3. 靠墙是一排排的图书。

    The walls were lined with books .

  4. 警方扣留了各种图书和磁带。

    Police seized various books and tapes .

  5. 他们反对我们采用现代化方式发行图书。

    They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books .

  6. 他推出了众多图书、戏剧和电视连续剧作品。

    He has produced umpteen books , plays and television series .

  7. 我愿意根据每本图书各自的优点来作出评价。

    I am ready to judge any book on its merits

  8. 这一图书奖项是世界上同类奖项中分量最重的。

    This book prize is the biggest of its kind in the world

  9. 顾客可以从60种热卖图书中选购。

    Customers can choose from sixty hit titles before buying

  10. 儿童图书常常把农场的动物描写得温和而可爱。

    Children 's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle , lovable creatures .

  11. 其图书以纸质优良、封面精美而闻名。

    Its books are noted for the quality of their paper and bindings .

  12. 他的水彩设计使许多图书大为生色。

    His watercolour designs adorn a wide range of books

  13. 现在市场营销已无处不在,图书也不例外。

    Marketing is applied to everything these days , and books are no exception

  14. 我被调到图书部。

    I was transferred to the book department

  15. 她利用接受的声乐训练给盲人录制磁带图书。

    She uses her vocal training to record audio tapes of books for blind people .

  16. 自1978年以来,可用于采购图书的经费已经减少了17%。

    Since 1978 , the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17 %

  17. 印刷机发明以后的50年间,有800多万册图书被印刷。

    More than eight million books were printed within fifty years after the invention of the printing press .

  18. 我一直谨记汉娜·帕库拉的名言:“好莱坞不是年过四十手拿图书证的女人呆的地方。”

    I keep remembering Hannah Pakula 's immortal line : ' Hollywood is no place for a woman over forty with a library card . '

  19. 每年这里都要举办图书展销会。

    A book fair is held here each year .

  20. 新到的图书正在编目。

    The new books are being catalogued .

  21. 我校下星期将进行图书廉价出售。

    Our school is having a book sale next week .

  22. 他给了我一张他们即将出版图书的目录。

    He gave me a list of their forthcoming books .

  23. 图书管理员把一本新书编入目录。

    The librarian entered a new book in the catalogue .

  24. 现在,BookCrossing.com网站翻开了关于图书集团传统理念的一页。

    Now , the website BookCrossing.com turns the page on the traditional idea of a book group .

  25. 它始于1983年,是世界上最大的图书节。

    It began in 1983 . It is the largest book festival in the world .

  26. 英国城市图书的老板保罗斯威特曼表示,社会问题可能是阅读自助书籍的人越来越多的原因。

    Paul sweetman , the owner of City Books in the UK.said that social problems might be the reason why more people are reading self-help books .

  27. 你可以在图书馆的图书目录上查找这本书。

    You can look for the book in the library catalog .

  28. 杰西卡·加德纳博士�剑桥大学图书管理员

    Dr Jessica Gardner , University Librarian , University of Cambridge

  29. 图书管理员把头往后面一仰,尖着嗓子哈哈大笑。

    The librarian threw back his head and laughed shrilly .

  30. 当图书编辑苏珊·赖兰在审阅一位备受喜爱的悬疑作家提交的最新作品时,她开始怀疑手稿中隐藏了一桩真实的谋杀案。

    As book editor Susan Ryeland works through the latest submission a real-life murder .