
  • 网络rupture of small intestine;small intestine rupture
  1. 回顾性40例腹部闭合性损伤小肠破裂的诊断方法与手术结果的关系。

    Methods diagnostic methods and surgical effects of40 closed abdominal injury induced rupture of small intestine were retrospectively analyzed .

  2. 方法总结68例因车祸致小肠破裂病例的临床诊断与手术治疗体会。

    Methods Clinical material of 68 cases with traumatic rupture of small intestine from 1990.1 to 2000.12 in our hospital were reviewed .

  3. 腹部创伤小肠破裂28例报告

    Intestinal injury in abdominal trauma : A Report of 28 cases

  4. 外伤性小肠破裂256例分析

    The clinical analysis of 256 cases with traumatic rupture of small intestine

  5. 【中英文摘要】目的探讨外伤性小肠破裂的诊断及治疗方法。

    Objective To discussion the diagnosis and treatment of enterorrhexis .

  6. 外伤性小肠破裂的诊断和治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic rupture of small intestine

  7. 目的探讨外伤性小肠破裂的诊断方法和治疗。

    Objective To explore the diagnostic methods and treatment of the traumatic small intestinal rupture .

  8. 结论诊断性腹腔穿刺在闭合性小肠破裂早期诊断中具有重要作用;

    Conclusion Diagnostic abdominal puncture plays an important role in the early diagnosis of closed rupture of small intestine .

  9. 方法回顾分析和总结31例外伤性闭合性单纯性小肠破裂患者的临床资料。

    Methods Clinical data of 31 cases of closed abdominal injury combined with simple small intestine rupture were retrospectively analyzed .

  10. 结论明确诊断,减少误诊、漏诊,是提高外伤性小肠破裂治愈的关键。

    Conclusion The clearly diagnosis without misdiagnosis should be the key point to improve the traumatic intestinal rapture curative effect .

  11. 腹部闭合性损伤合并单纯性小肠破裂的诊治探讨(附31例报告)

    Diagnosis and treatment of closed abdominal injury combined with simple small intestine rupture ( a report of 31 cases ) .

  12. 方法综合国内4家医院1987~1998年间诊治的外伤性小肠破裂256例,并进行回顾性分析。

    Methods To sum up the 256 cases with traumatic rupture of small intestine at 4 domestic hospitals from 1987 to 1998 , and to make an analysis in retrospect .

  13. 实验方法:将40只健康雌性家兔随机分为5组,每组8只,4组施行小肠破裂修补,前3组为单纯修补、后1组为腹腔内感染状态下的小肠破裂修补。

    Methods : 40 rabbits were divided into 5 groups randomly . 4 groups operated the rupture of intestine neoplasty . First 3 groups were the purely neoplasty , and the last group was the neoplasty under the abdominal infection .

  14. 小肠吻合可能破裂并产生瘘管和腹膜炎。

    Enteric anastomoses may disrupt and produce a fistula and peritonitis .