
  1. 别的不多说了,如果你家还没有小棉袄,不如就直接领个小羽绒服回家吧!

    If you do not have a small cotton-padded jacket , it would better to bring this down jacket home !

  2. 而女儿是妈妈老了以后的小棉袄。居住在上海的张芸(音译)表示。

    A daughter is a warm jacket for a mother when she is old , says Zhang Yun , who lives in Shanghai .

  3. 从即日起的每个周末,供水集团的“贴心小棉袄”便民服务队都将走进社区,为用户提供咨询、维护、检修等服务。

    On every weekend from now on , the " Warm Jacket " service team will visit different communities and provide consultation , maintenance and repair services .

  4. 这是个两岁多的孩子,穿着一身和她棉袄的花布一样花色的小棉袄,看来是个女孩,却又推了个平头,眉毛也很浓,长着一副男孩子的样子。

    The child was about two years old , wore a small wadded jacket , was the same cloth with her , that was a girl , but got a butch haircut , eyebrows were very thick , looked like a boy .