
  • 网络Novel Creation;fiction writing
  1. 大众文化背景下的张欣小说创作

    Zhang Xin 's Fiction Writing under the Background of Popular Culture

  2. 反拨·复归·创新&论新写实与方方的小说创作

    On New Realism and the Fiction Writing of Fang Fang

  3. 作者文人化及其对清代白话小说创作的影响

    Scholars as novelists and its influence on the Qing Dynasty novels

  4. 略论当下小说创作中文学典型的缺失

    Brief Discussion on Absence of Literature Typicalness in Present Novel Creation

  5. 论衣向东小说创作的思想和艺术

    On the Thought and Artistic Achievement of Yi Xiangdong 's Novels

  6. 日常生活一直是王安忆小说创作的重要维度。

    Everyday life has been an important dimension of Wang Anyi .

  7. 现代报刊影响下的张恨水小说创作

    The Creation of Zhang Hen-shui'Novels Under the Influence of Modern Message

  8. 论肖红小说创作风格

    The Personality and Unique Artistic Style in Xiao Hong 's Novels

  9. 小说创作在主题的挖掘和形象的塑造方面有了它自身的特点。

    Novels has a point on mining themes and shaping characters .

  10. 史铁生中短篇小说创作三步曲

    Fatalistic Writing & Creation trilogy of Shi Tie-sheng 's Short Novel

  11. 民间文化立场与赵树理的小说创作

    The Folk Culture Position and Zhao Shu-li 's Novel Creation

  12. 独特的人性书写与剖析&王安忆小说创作论

    Distinctive Humanistic Writings and Analyses & On Wang Anyi 's Fictional Creation

  13. 文化交叉小径边的一脉馨香&赛珍珠短篇小说创作特色论

    On the Characteristics of Pearl S. Buck 's Short Stories

  14. 爱伦·坡恐怖小说创作的原因

    Reasons For Composition of Edgar Allan Poe 's Horrible Stories

  15. 他的小说创作统摄着一种文学探索性、个体实验性以及个性化的色彩。

    His novel creation is exploratory , experimental and personal .

  16. 劳伦斯的小说创作蕴含着深沉的忧患意识和执着的拯救情怀。

    Lawrence implied the worried consciousness and rescuing feelings in his novels .

  17. 活法与金庸武侠小说创作

    The " Flexible Law " and Jing Yong 's Swordsman Fiction Creation

  18. 试析马拉默德小说创作中的宗教关怀

    Study on the Religious Concern in Malamud ′ s Fictions

  19. 奥康纳短篇小说创作与圣经文化资源探析

    The Study on O'Connor 's Short Story Creation and Bible Culture Resource

  20. 废名小说创作对传统文学资源的发掘

    On Traditional Literature Resources Excavated by Fei Ming with His Novel Creation

  21. 何其芳的小说创作,几乎没有人研究过。

    Almost no one has studied HE Qi fang 's novel creation .

  22. 论张爱玲小说创作中的音乐描写

    On the Musical Descriptions in ZHANG Ai-ling 's Novel Writing

  23. 矛盾与困惑是他小说创作的情感主线。

    Contradictions and embarrassments are main emotion line penetrating his novel creation .

  24. 台湾香港女性小说创作比较论

    Argumentation Created to the Novels of Women of Taiwan and Hong Kong

  25. 余华小说创作风格研究

    The Study of Writing Style of Yuhua 's Novles

  26. 引论部分主要介绍了菲茨杰拉德的个人生平背景以及小说创作时所处的社会历史背景。

    The introduction summarizes the biographical background of Fitzgerald and the historical context .

  27. 论30年代左翼青年作家群小说创作的审美倾向

    On the Aesthetic Tendency in the Novels by the Young Left-wing Writer Group

  28. 自卑情结与郁达夫小说创作

    Inferiority Complex and YU Da fu 's Fiction Creation

  29. 留学生涯对徐訏小说创作的影响

    The Influence of Xu Xu 's Studying Abroad on His Novel 's Creation

  30. 近期小说创作的非道德化倾向

    The Non - morals Tendency of the Novel Creations in the Near Future