
  • 网络Venice Architecture Biennale;venice biennale of architecture
  1. 两人2014年在威尼斯建筑双年展上获得银狮奖;斯米尔耶·拉蒂克(SmiljanRadic)同年为伦敦蛇形画廊(SerpentineGallery)设计了年度展馆。

    They include Pedro Alonso and Hugo Palmarola , who in 2014 won the Silver Lion award at the Venice Architecture Biennale , and Smiljan Radic , who that same year designed the annual pavilion at the Serpentine Gallery in London .

  2. 在去年威尼斯建筑双年展上,上海、庆、头(京一个环境改造试点)重庆和他们的丹麦合作者展示了一系列的城市创新。

    Shanghai , Chongqing , Fatou and Xian joined with their collaborator , Denmark , to show off a series of urban innovations at the Venice architecture Biennale last year .

  3. 景观化都市建筑学&从2004威尼斯建筑双年展看当代先锋建筑与教育

    Landscape Urbanism & About Contemporary Avant-Architecture from 2004'Venice Architecture Exhibition

  4. 阿拉维纳尽管不是“明星设计师”,但也在行业内获得了声望:他是今年威尼斯建筑双年展的总监,亦是普利兹克奖评审委员会的前成员。

    Though not a " starchitect , " Mr. Aravena has gained prominence in the profession : He 's this year 's director of the Venice Architecture Biennale and a former member of the Pritzker jury .