
  1. 美国服务业的卓越声誉,一定程度上也可以归功于其高而灵活的小费文化。

    The American reputation for excellent service may also owe something to a culture of high and variable tipping .

  2. 我们在中国并没有给小费的文化。

    We don 't have a tip culture in China .

  3. 给小费不是韩国文化的一部分,尽管在国际饭店里收取10%的服务费似乎是理所当然的一件事。

    Tipping is not pwt of Korean culture , although it has become a matter of course in international hotels where a l0 % service charge is often added .

  4. 小费现象最好从文化角度来解释,而不是从经济学角度。

    Tipping is better explained by culture than by economics .