
  • 网络caleche;Pony car;Diligenra;buggy
  1. 我们驾了一辆单骑独座的小马车经过道塞特家的住宅。

    We drove in a buggy past the Dorset house .

  2. 你不知道开小马车发短信也要挨罚单吗?

    Did you know you can 't text while riding a mini-horse ?

  3. 我看见小马车,跳绳,和娃娃。

    I see wagons , ropes , and dolls .

  4. 她经常坐着轻便小马车大驾光临我的寒含

    to drive by my humble dwelling in her little phaeton and ponies .

  5. 然后又有一辆时髦的小马车出现在她面前。

    and then a fashionable little carriage appeared .

  6. 一辆货车驶过来,装上了苔丝的行李,然后又有一辆时髦的小马车出现在她面前。

    A waggon came to take her bags , and then a fashionable little carriage appeared .

  7. 我只要弄一辆矮矮的双轮小马车,驾上一对漂亮的小马就行了。

    A low phaeton , with a nice little pair of ponies , would be the very thing .

  8. 红色小马车

    The Little Red Wagon

  9. 她的确是可爱透顶,常常不拘名份,乘着她那辆小马车光临寒舍。

    But she is perfectly amiable , and often condescends to drive by my humble abode in her little phaeton and ponies .

  10. 葡萄牙的一位公主千方百计弄来斑马,因为她以为,斑马拉上一辆小马车,皇家子女坐在上面,看上去一定会漂亮。

    A Portuguese princess went to the trouble of getting zebras because she thought they would look pretty pulling the Royal Children in a little carriage .

  11. 那辆摇摇晃晃的小马车已经装好了,苔丝把那匹名叫王子的马牵了出来,同那辆马车比起来,它摇晃的程度也好不了多少。

    The rickety little waggon was already laden , and the girl led out the horse Prince , only a degree less rickety than the vehicle .

  12. 次日夜里,川文刚刚睡熟,汉西来了,为他安装了一辆小马车,牵着他离开了家。

    The next night , when Trenven had just been asleep a while , Hency came and installed a small chariot on his body . Quietly , Hency led him away from the house .

  13. 在平原,坐小马车,在山里,就乘骡兜。其他的过山车驶入山体或者大楼,兜风中穿越黑暗。

    In a tilted spring-cart when it was on the plain , and on a donkey in the mountains . Other roller coasters are inside a mountain or building so that you ride through darkness .

  14. 小马车们独尊我为苹果乡真命王子就有那麼一天於是我就钦定树以及叶子须沿小径布开将雏菊和香麦一路延伸到闪烁多风的河裏。

    And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves Trail with daisies and barley Down the rivers of the windfall light .

  15. 因此,回家时能够坐上那架小马车去火车站都会给他带来从未有过的井井有条的感觉,而当离去的时刻临近时,这架马车并没有出现在他的视线里。

    So when it was time for him to return home , the pony carriage that was to take him to the station had never been properlyordered , and when the moment for his departure drew near , the carriage was nowhere in sight .

  16. 公爵当然会是他们谈论的主题,尽管那位乘坐一对黑色矮脚马拉的淡黄色小马车的金发女子在第五大街的露面(此事人们普遍认为归功于博福特)无疑也将会被他们深入的研究。

    The Duke of course would be their principal theme ; though the appearance in Fifth Avenue of a golden-haired lady in a small canary-coloured brougham with a pair of black cobs ( for which Beaufort was generally thought responsible ) would also doubtless be thoroughly gone into .

  17. 她女教师说给我听的,那教师现在还跟她们母女住在一起。她的确是可爱透顶,常常不拘名份,乘着她那辆小马车光临寒舍。”

    ny accomplishments which she could not otherwise have failed of ; as I am informed by the lady who superintended her education , and who still resides with them . But she is perfectly amiable , and often condescends to drive by my humble abode in her little phaeton and ponies . "

  18. 她们从会客室里根本看不见外面大路的情形,幸亏每逢有什么车辆驶过,柯林斯先生总是要告诉她们;特别是德·包尔小姐常常乘着小马车驶过,差不多天天驶过,他没有哪一次不告诉她们的。

    From the drawing room they could distinguish nothing in the lane , and were indebted to Mr. Collins for the knowledge of what carriages went along , and how often especially Miss De Bourgh drove by in her phaeton , which he never failed coming to inform them of , though it happened almost every day .