
  • 网络Youth Are Strong
  1. 少年强则国强,足球运动也不例外。

    Young strong kingdom is strong , so does football .

  2. 少年强则中国强,国家兴亡,是我们共同的责任。

    Junior strong in China , and the rise and fall of the country , is our common responsibility .

  3. 少年强,则国强,少年儿童是国家的未来、民族的希望。

    If the teenager is strong , then the country will be prosperity . Children is the future of the country and nation .

  4. 少年强则国强,义务教育是教育工作的重中之重。

    Only if the young is strong , our country can be powerful enough . Compulsory education is the key of the education work .

  5. 同学们,“少年强则国强”,对于树立荣辱观,我们要深思的还有很多。

    The classmates ," a country is strong ", for set up the honor versus dishonor view , we want the deep thought plenty more .

  6. “少年强则国强”,我们新一代大学生注定要在庞杂的社会问题中间打拼,带着书斋里的理论去与原始的现实对照。

    Moreover , we younger generation is bound to meet the new challenges by making what we have learned into practice in handling complicated social problems .

  7. 同学们,少年强则国强,祖国人民在期盼着我们,时代赋予的责任和使命,我们能忘记吗?

    Students , young are strong , the country strong , our motherland and the people are looking forward to the times given the responsibility and mission , we can forget the do ?

  8. 少年智则国智,少年强则国强。

    Juvenile wisdom , the country is wisdom ; juvenile strong , the country is strong .