
  1. 根据官方统计数据,我国农村留守人口约有8700万。

    According to official figures , there are about 87 million left-behind people in the country 's rural areas .

  2. 这样才能真正解决四川省农村留守人口生存与发展问题。

    As conclusion , above mention methods are the real solution to the survival and development of the Sichuan Province in rural areas left behind population .

  3. 由于家庭成员长期分离,这些广泛分布于不发达地区的留守人口都有一定程度的心理问题。

    Due to a long period of separation from their family members , these " left-behind " people in far-flung underdeveloped regions have suffered certain psychological problems to some extent .

  4. “农村留守人口”指的是农村青壮年男性去城市打工挣钱后,留在农村的老人、妇女和儿童。

    A term used to describe old people , women and children left behind in rural areas when their sons , husbands and fathers go to cities to earn the family 's bread .

  5. 从社会学层面看,社会阶层出现的变量来自于群体的流动人口,对于这样一座城市来说有两个部分,出走的和留守的人口。

    From a sociological perspective , variables of social class emerge from the mobile population groups , which have two parts for such a city , the leaving and left-behind population .