
  • 网络Agency;Study abroad Agency
  1. 因而本文通过研究留学中介机构,对留学中介机构的监管现状,存在的问题进行分析,提出了完善我国留学中介机构法律监管的建议。

    Thus , this paper through analyzing the study abroad agencies , the regulatory status quo and existing problem , then put forward proposals for perfecting the legal supervision of study abroad agency .

  2. 张娜在留学中介碰到的另一个问题就是留学顾问换不停。

    Another problem Zhang experienced with the agent was changing consultants .

  3. 尤其事实证明很多留学中介并不合格。

    Especially since many have turned out to be fake .

  4. 王梓吉心想:一定是室友又在和留学中介吵架。

    It must be my roommate arguing again with his study abroad agent , Wang thought .

  5. 2005,留学中介要打品牌年&记北京留学服务行业协会成立

    Establishment of Beijing Overseas-Study Service Association

  6. 虽然肯定有光明磊落的中介和申请人,但很多留学中介都参与了弄虚作假的行为。

    But while there are certainly aboveboard agents and applications , other recruiters engage in fraudulent behavior .

  7. 最后,进一步探讨S留学中介公司提高服务质量和顾客满意度的相应策略。

    Finally , it discusses some recommendations to improve the service quality and customer satisfaction of S company .

  8. 这其中留学中介起到了不小的作用,不仅提供专业的咨询还提供便利的服务。

    Intermediary agents for study abroad play a important role in providing professional consulting and offer convenient services .

  9. 中国的一些留学中介机构说,澳大利亚同中国之间60亿美元的教育生意正处于危险之中。

    Australia 's $ 6 billion education business with China is in jeopardy , said some Chinese agents .

  10. 在中国,留学中介机构将美国的社区大学宣传为通往四年制大学的跳板。

    In China , intermediary agencies are marketing US community colleges as a stepping stone to a four-year university .

  11. 由于时间相当紧迫,她决定请一家留学中介代办申请。

    She decided to leave the application work to a study abroad agent as it was already quite late .

  12. 所有的教育机构也必须披露他们所使用的所有澳洲和国外留学中介。

    All providers also would have to publish a list of the agents they use , in Australia and overseas .

  13. 正是考虑到这个因素,不少留学中介机构也在考点门口派发传单,和家长攀谈。

    For this reason , many overseas-study agencies distribute leaflets and chat with the parents outside of the examination sites .

  14. 澳大利亚政府将尽快落实这些建议,以遏制少数院校和留学中介在招生过程中的不正当行为。

    The Government will also move to implement recommendations which relate to restricting unethical student recruitment practices as soon as possible .

  15. 其次,简要介绍了上海留学中介市场的发展和问题。

    After that , it introduces the development and problems of the field of the agents of studying abroad in Shanghai .

  16. 不过,留学中介机构本身收取的费用也可能占到海外留学费用的很大一部分。申请人被国外的大学录取后,留学中介会收取3万元至30万元人民币不等的费用。

    Agents themselves can be a big part of the cost of overseas study , though : they charge between Rmb30000 and Rmb300000 to arrange overseas admission .

  17. 他还补充说,很多父母将自己未成年的孩子交给留学中介,这样做很不负责任,尤其事实证明很多留学中介并不合格。

    He thought that many parents were irresponsible putting their young children in the hands of overseas education agencies , especially since many have turned out to be fake .

  18. 因此,品牌的培育和建设对于留学中介企业有着很重要的意义和市场价值。

    So it is very important and has much market value for education services to cultivating and building their own brands . Firstly , in this paper , the author summarized the definition of brand , service brand and relatively .

  19. 高校们渴望增加学生群体的多样化并提高国际吸引力,因此急急忙忙地涌入中国招生。中国的高考竞争非常激烈,而留学中介行业更是火上浇油,积极为美国校园招徕生源。

    Colleges , eager to bolster their diversity and expand their international appeal , have rushed to recruit in China , where fierce competition for seats at Chinese universities and an aggressive admissions-agent industry feed a frenzy to land spots on American campuses .

  20. 其次,通过对留学生中介语料的分析与统计,描述了各语言项目内部各义项的二语习得顺序。

    Then the SLA orders of these internal entries are described through the analysis and statistics of language materials from foreign students .

  21. 在我们自建的67万字越南留学生汉语中介语语料库中,越南留学生在趋向补语的习得过程中频频出现问题。

    In our sixty-seven million words corpus of Chinese Inter-language of Vietnamese students , we found that Vietnamese students always make mistakes in directional complement learning .

  22. 一家中国留学生招生中介的一位名叫陈航的负责人表示,作弊正成为在美中国留学生的一个重大问题。

    Chen Hang , head of a Chinese student recruitment agency , says cheating among Chinese students in the United States is becoming a significant problem .

  23. 本研究基于自建越南留学生汉语中介语语料库(约100000字),语料来源于云南师范大学国际语言文化学院越南留学生2003&2005年试卷及部分本科班学生作文。

    The research is based on the interlanguage corpora of Chinese by Vietnamese students ( Approx. 100,000 words ); the source is the papers and homework of Vietnamese students in Yunnan Normal University from 2003 to 2005 partially .

  24. 但是在火爆的留学市场中,留学中介机构的投诉却是最多的,市场满意度也是最低的。

    But at the same time , complaints for study abroad agency are up and market satisfaction is also low .

  25. 在留学市场炙手可热的同时,留学中介机构也成为这其中最佳的受益者。

    The market of student abroad is growing rapidly at the same time , study abroad agencies also becomes the best of beneficiaries .

  26. 留学教育咨询机构,即自费留学中介机构,目前已经成为了我国学生留学海外的主要途径。

    Overseas educational consultancy , also called self-sponsored study abroad intermediary agent , plays an important part in the career of helping students study abroad .

  27. 在走出国门接受国外优质教育的群体中,自费出国留学的人数占了绝大多数,从而为国内中外合作办学和留学中介等留学服务行业的产生和发展提供了坚实的基础。

    Those who foot the bill themselves account for a vast majority of the people studying abroad , which provides a solid foundation for the emergence and development of overseas education service industries including Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools and education agents .

  28. 资深留学专家、《你也能去美国留学》一书的作者曹贤水(音译)认为学生是否聘请留学中介还是要看个人情况。

    Cao Xianshui , a senior study abroad expert and the author of Further Your Study in the US , believes that whether students should hire a study abroad agent or not depends on their individual case .