
Wang Wei can be really stubborn .
Several months before our trip , Wang Wei and I went to the library .
Wang got interested in art at a very young age when she realised her talents in drawing .
Ms. Wang is known as the driving force and general director behind the couple 's Long Museum , which has two branches in Shanghai .
Ms. Wang confirmed that , as in the past , she and Mr. Liu would be using their American Express card to pay for the Modigliani .
But few collectors in China publicly flaunt their wealth the way Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang do , particularly as the government wages a crackdown on extravagance .
China 's art market was still in its nascent stages when Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang began going to auctions and buying art in the early 1990s .
In 1983 , he was still eking out a living as a small-time businessman when he met Ms. Wang , who was working as a typist at Shanghai Normal University .
Several years ago , Ms. Wang , a self-proclaimed " art fanatic , " came up with the idea of opening a museum so they could show their collection to the public .
Days after their latest blockbuster purchase , Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang were back at it , flying to Beijing to attend the fall sales of a top auction house , China Guardian .
Mr. Liu , who made his fortune through stock trading in the 1980s and " 90s , and his wife , Wang Wei , are two of China 's most visible art collectors .
In addition to owning a stake in a pharmaceutical company , he was also an early investor in Beijing Council International Auction , an auction company in the Chinese capital started by one of Ms. Wang 's friends .
Before last week , Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang , both 52 , had already made a name for themselves in China 's art circles , he in particular as the most flamboyant of the country 's small group of major collectors .
So in 2012 , Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang opened the Long Museum Pudong , one of many private museums that have begun in Shanghai in recent years as the local government tries to transform the city into an international cultural capital .
Although they received a discount from the government for the land in the West Bund area , Ms. Wang said , almost all of the operation costs - about $ 9.5 million for both museums this year , she estimated - are undertaken by her and her husband .