
  • 网络Less or no cutting processing;chipless forming
  1. 我国摩托车齿轮的少无切削加工

    Less and Non-cutting Processing for Domestic-Made Motorcycle Gears

  2. 滚轧成形工艺是一种将金属锻造成形与轧制成形相结合的少无切削加工工艺。

    Roll forming is a combination process of metal forging and rolling forming and is a kind of process with less or no cutting .

  3. 它综合了锻造、挤压、拉伸、弯曲、环轧、横轧和滚压等加工特点的少无切削加工的先进工艺。

    It is an advanced technology with no machining or less , combining of forging , extrusion , tension , bending , ring-rolling and roll-extrusion processes .

  4. 锥齿轮精密成形是一种齿轮少无切削加工的新工艺,可以解决传统制造方法带来的弊端。

    Precision forming technology of spiral bevel gear is a new technology that does not need cutting , which can solve drawbacks of the traditional manufacturing method .

  5. 直齿圆柱齿轮精锻工艺是一种生产直齿圆柱齿轮的少无切削加工工艺,包括冷精锻工艺、热精锻工艺等。

    Precision forging process , dividing in cold precision forging process and hot precision forging process , is a kind of less or no cutting process for producing spur gear .

  6. 楔横轧是实现少、无切削加工的新工艺。

    Taper rolling , which can partially or fully replace metal cutting , is a modern technology .

  7. 冷辗扩生产的环件实现了少、无切削加工,保存了金属内部的流线组织,提高了环件的机械性能。

    The cold ring rolling realized net produce ring , which keep the metal streamline in the ring body and increase the ring force capability .

  8. 这种技术是根据断裂力学原理进行安全设计的逆过程,符合现代机械加工少无切削精密加工的发展方向,是一种绿色加工技术,具有广阔的应用前景。

    This technology is counter process of safety design according to fracture mechanics principle , and it is a green machining technology , conforming to developing direction of modern precision finishing , having the broad prospects in application .

  9. 少无冷却液切削加工方法的集成应用研究

    The Integration Application Research of Less-or-non Coolant Machining Method

  10. 由于环境保护的要求,人们希望实现绿色、少或无切削液加工。

    Demanding by environmental protection , people hope to have green machining or process with minimum or no cutting fluid .

  11. 振动摆动辗压是少(无)切削加工技术中的一个新兴领域,它是在普通摆动辗压的基础上,通过附加一定频率和振幅的振动实现塑性加工。

    Vibrational rotary forging is a relatively new and emergent non-chip finish technology , which put a vibration with a definite frequency and amplitude on general rotary forging during plastic process .

  12. 采用少切削或无切削加工这种高效、节约生产手段是提倡节约资源作为我国实现可持续发展所采取的重要措施的基础。

    As the foundation of important measures , a country was taken to the way of achieve sustainable development , the efficient and economical means of production such as the little or no use of cutting machining is to promote resource conservation .

  13. 提出了一种少无金属切削新的加工工艺&对轮旋压工艺。

    The new technology of no cutting and high precision , the opposite roller spinning is put forward .

  14. 金属体积成形是一种少、无切削的金属加工方法,在现代生产中占有极其重要的地位。

    The bulk metal forming process is a kind of metal working method having little or no cutting . It plays a significant role in modern manufacturing .