
  • 网络shaolin soccer;OPENING
  1. 你怎样评价你在「少林足球」的演出?

    How did you score the part for Shaolin Soccer ?

  2. 但是拍《少林足球》时,摄影机就象是一个新男朋友,接近它我会感到害羞。

    But on Shaolin Soccer it was like the camera was a new boyfriend . I felt shy around it .

  3. 男孩子们还是对少林足球青睐有加。

    But boys definitely find Kungfu football far more interesting .

  4. 少林足球:做人要是没有理想,那和咸鱼有什么区别呀?

    Being a man without ideal , what are the differences between you and salted fish .

  5. 先去了大上海时代广场,《少林足球》里星爷就在这里踢过一个易拉罐,记得吗?

    Visited SH Time Square first , do you remember Stephen Chow kicked a coca tin here in " Shaolin Soccer "?

  6. 不过却是周星弛&《少林足球》的导演和合演,让赵发现自己还有很多要学习的地方。

    But it was Stephen Chow , her director and co-star in Shaolin Soccer , who showed Zhao she still had much to learn .

  7. 他还导演了《少林足球》,并在其中扮演主角,在中国和美国都取得了成功。

    And , he directed and starred in Shaolin Soccer ( Shaolin Zuqiu ), which was successful both in China and in the US .

  8. 这可不是周星驰著名影片《少林足球》中的镜头,而是来自河南首都郑州塔沟武校的真实训练。

    It was not a scene from Stephen Chow 's famous film Shaolin Soccer , but rather , an actual practice at the Tagou Martial Arts School in Zhengzhou , capital of Henan province .