
  • 网络Irvine
  1. 像LPP一样,这家位于加州尔湾市的核能创业公司也希望开发出一台无中子核聚变发电机,从而不需要借助汽轮机也能发电。

    Like LPP , Irvine , Calif. - based Tri-Alpha hopes to develop an aneutronic machine that delivers electricity without using turbines .

  2. 伦茨表示,丰田汽车正在与加州大学尔湾分校(UniversityofCaliforniaatIrvine)合作,确定氢气站的最佳位置,以及加州满足约10000辆燃料电池汽车需要多少个氢气站。

    Lentz said that Toyota has been working with University of California at Irvine to determine the optimal location of stations and how many stations the state actually needs to satisfy about 10,000 fuel cell vehicles .

  3. 加利福尼亚大学的两个分校&尔湾分校(Irvine)和圣克鲁兹分校(SantaCruz)跻身前15名,德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UniversityofTexasatDallas)也进入前15。

    Two University of California campuses , Irvine and Santa Cruz , cracked the top 15 , as did the University of Texas at Dallas .

  4. Broadcom总部在美国加利福尼亚州的尔湾(Irvine),在北美洲、亚洲和欧洲有办事处和研究机构。

    Broadcom is headquartered in Irvine , Calif. , and has offices and research facilities in North America , Asia and Europe .

  5. 去年,这家位于加州尔湾市的初创公司从大众筹资平台Kickstarter网站融资超过240万美元&远远超过了勒克当初250000美元的预期。

    Last year , the Irvine , Calif. - based startup raised over $ 2.4 million on KickStarter & far over the original $ 250,000 luckey had hoped for .

  6. 研究公司Dealogic的数据显示,三星电子曾经完成过的最大规模海外收购交易是十多年前分两步收购了加州尔湾(Irvine)的ASTResearchInc.,该交易总计为8.4亿美元。

    According to research firm Dealogic , the biggest overseas deal Samsung Electronics has ever completed is a two-part acquisition of Irvine , Calif. - based AST Research Inc. for a total of $ 840 million , more than a decade ago .

  7. 总部位于加州尔湾(Irvine)的AST当时是世界第五大电脑制造商。三星以8.4亿美元的价格分两部分对其进行了收购,这一举动被认为是企图打入美国个人电脑市场。

    The two-part , $ 840 million acquisition of Irvine , Calif. - based AST , once the world 's fifth-largest computer maker , was conceived as an attempt to break into the U.S. personal-computer market .

  8. 来自加州尔湾学院(IrvineCollege)的学生苏丹·西良(SairaSultan)说,她每周都向TutorVista的老师请教好几次英语和数学课上的问题,而老师们博学而友善。

    Saira Sultan , an Irvine , Calif. , college student , says the TutorVista tutors she taps several times a week for help with her English and math courses are pleasant and knowledgeable .

  9. NASA、美国海军与加州尔湾(Irvine)的制药公司EpiomedTherapeutics展开合作,研制了一种含莨菪碱的鼻喷雾剂。目前莨菪碱被用于一种仅能凭处方购买的治疗易晕船患者的贴片中。

    NASA and the Navy are collaborating with pharmaceutical company Epiomed Therapeutics , of Irvine , Calif. , to develop a nasal spray containing scopolamine , a drug currently used in a prescription-only patch for those prone to seasickness .

  10. 对于这家位于加州尔湾市的公司来说,这一招很快就大获成功。

    That quickly paid off for the Irvine , California-based company .

  11. 我们也得出了三个穿衣最平庸的城市,它们依次是:拉斯维加斯、尔湾市和理查森市。

    The top three ranked as follows : Las Vegas , Irvine , Richardson .

  12. 新闻报道称,车主是一名18岁的中国留学生,在加州大学尔湾分校读书。

    The driver was identified in reports as an 18-year-old UC Irvine student from China .

  13. 游戏测试人员必须能够做全职工作时间,在我们的总部设在尔湾,加利福尼亚州。

    Game testers must be able to work full-time at our headquarters in Irvine , California .

  14. 尔湾,加州92697,美国

    Irvine , CA 92697 , US

  15. 若不然如此,至少去年加州大学尔湾分校的学生们是那么告诉研究人员的。

    Or at least that is what they told researchers last year at the University of California , Irvine .

  16. 区域与次区域交通模型的一致性研究&以南加州橙县和尔湾市交通分析模型为例

    Consistency between Regional and Subregional Transportation Models : a case study in Orange County and Irvine Transportation Analysis Models of Southern California

  17. 在加州大学尔湾分校教授《竞选财务法》的Richase表示,如果法庭这么做的话,那大量的竞选资金限制未来将遭遇挑战。

    Richase teaches Campaign Finance Law at the University of California at Irvine . If court does it , then a whole host of campaign contribution limits could be subjected to future challenge .

  18. 现在距离在加州尔湾举行的全美游泳锦标赛还有一个月的时间,今天,游泳奥运冠军们前往大学参加斗牛犬大满贯游泳比赛。

    One month before swimming 's national championship at Irvine , California , Olympic champions today took to the pool at the University of Georgia for an event called the Bulldog Grand Slam .

  19. 2003年1月4日至2月15日期间,在5种不同情况下对南极海冰进行了调查研究。包括:(1)基于走航观测的威德尔海至普利茨湾之间海冰分布研究;

    The Antarctic sea ice was investigated on five occasions between January 4 and February 15, 2003.The investigations included the following : ( 1 ) estimation of sea ice distribution by ship-based observations between Middle Weddell Sea and Prydz Bay ;