
  1. 与往常一样,硕大的橙色尖翅粉蝶整日停留在高高的树梢上。

    But as usual , the great orange tips remained high above the treetops that day .

  2. 但是有一种蝴蝶我尚未捕获到,那是华贵硕大的橙色尖翅粉蝶。

    But there was one that I had yet to capture – the magnificent great orange tip .

  3. 玉米尖翅蛾是国内尚未见报道的一种蛾类仓库害虫。

    Pink Scavenger caterpillar ( Pyroderces rileyi Walsingham ) is a species of storage moth pests , which has not been reported in China before .

  4. 学校正在放暑假,再有几天我们也要离开了,我开始对找到硕大的橙色尖翅粉蝶不抱希望。

    With school out for the summer and only a couple of days before we were to leave , I began to give up hope of finding my great orange tip .